Softmodding and xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by tylor123, Oct 20, 2005.

  1. tylor123

    tylor123 Guest

    I recently softmodded a friends xbox, it was working fine at my house and when he took it home it was working. He called me up today and sid that it wasn't working anymore. I took a look at it and when I start it up is goes to the screen saying that your xbox needs serving. Is there a way to bypass this screen or to reset it or something. I made a back up when I did the softmod so is there a way to get it working?
  2. xyron

    xyron Guest

    does it say any number such as 13, or 16 or 21.

    it should be on the top left had corner.
  3. tylor123

    tylor123 Guest

    When I start up the xbox there is no number in the corner, just says to call microsoft or something like that. I don't know if his kids messed with something and know it don't work......
  4. xyron

    xyron Guest

    is it a screen with green letters saying call custumor service?

    if it doesnt, what else does it say,
  5. tylor123

    tylor123 Guest

    ya the message is in green letters. It gives you the nuber to call and its all in different languages as well.
  6. xyron

    xyron Guest

    so there is no other number except for the custoumer number.

    this is called a error screen and when this comes up it should have a number at the top left or right hand corner.
  7. jaxinnyc

    jaxinnyc Member

    Aug 22, 2005
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    there has to be a number it specifies what the error is and as far as i know about soft modding (which is quite a bit ) if u use the power button to turn on the xbox with a game in it it should boot from dvd rom and not from hdd try doing that with splintercell or whatever game you used to mod it in the first place then repeat it to remove and reinstall your mods
  8. xyron

    xyron Guest

    ya thats what i did wheni got error 13 and 21.
  9. ErrorCode

    ErrorCode Member

    Oct 20, 2005
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    13 - kernel - Dashboard launch fail (due to missing/bad key, or anything else that would prevent it from running) and the dashboard didn't specify why it failed.

    The error it gives is because of the incompatibility between the (older) dashboard (4920) that older slayer cd installs and the new dashboard/kernel versions found in some new xbox's and found in xbox's that have been connected to xbox live (when you go on xbox-live, it'll upgrade your dashboard file to i believe it is now 5659.03. This dasboard is incompatible with the dash that (old) slayer cd installs (for example 2.5 or lower) for you.

    (In detail, in the eeprom chip there is a kernel which is incompatible with the dashboard (4920) that slayer installs.)

    So what do you do to fix it? You can use the dashupdate found on most new xbox games! Be sure to 1st unplug your ethernet cable before you do so!!!

    Besides that, just use a good installation disc and all is fine. Use a 2.6 slayer or something similar

    21 - anywhere - (you get this on a softmod if you turn on the xbox with the eject button.... and softmods arnt as good as hardware mods so you will see this error (21)more often within a softmod)

    This error says that the machine was booted to display a error, basically someone told the machine to reboot (or launch a xbe) with this flag, and the error code just means its been rebooted by the flag

    This occurs frequently when the xbox is unable to boot due to dashboard changes being made (ie Gcue true blue hasnt been resigned, parts of the stock dash are missing - incomplete FTP backups copied to a new HDD for example).
  10. tylor123

    tylor123 Guest

    ok so I've read everything that has been posted and I'm still not getting anywhere. What kind of screen would you get if a chip on your motherboard fries? I've tried many times to find an error code but find nothing... I'm truly lost for thoughts about what to do. You guys have been very helpful but I don't know what to do...
  11. xyron

    xyron Guest

  12. jaxinnyc

    jaxinnyc Member

    Aug 22, 2005
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    if a chip fries its code 15

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