SoftModding on XBox live

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Xyion, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. Xyion

    Xyion Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    I have posted this somewhere else, but i thought ill start new and fresh.

    I have a soft modded xbox and i can mod halo 2 and FTP and all that stuff all i want to be able to is play on XBL with my softmods and have fun but i dont know how to do this because people have said youll get banned of live no your account will get banned youll get banned of Matchmaking and that you need your cd to play on XBL so what do i do??
  2. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    u use flashFXP to extract ur eeprom to ur pc and reformate it so bungie cant ban u (they track u thru ur eeprom to see if ur modding)
    here's directions on how to do it, i got the info from

    Tutorial written by : Shanafan
    Last edited: August 26, 2003

    If you are banned from Xbox Live, you will need an unbanned EEPROM since Microsoft bans your EEPROM if you access Xbox Live with your modchip on. Getting a new, unbanned Xbox can be achieved by getting it from a friend's Xbox, or seeing if a website is selling them.

    1. In EvolutionX, do the "Backup" command in the Utilities menu. It will generate files about your Xbox specs.
    2. FTP in your Xbox, or use a file manager tool, and in C:\Backup, you will find a file called EEPROM.BIN
    3. FTP that to your PC HD or remember its location for future reference.

    1. Once you have Configmagic loaded onto your HD or on your PC, there will be a directory in it called DATA.
    2. Move the EEPROM.BIN file, that EvolutionX generated, into that DATA directory, overwriting the EEPROM.BIN file that is already there.
    3. If you are making a Configmagic CD, you can now make the ISO of it and burn it. Xbox HD users, don't worry.

    1. Load up Configmagic.
    2. A warning screen will be shown, press "A" to bypass it.
    3. When Configmagic finally loads, it will show your current EEPROM on your Xbox. Make a note of the DVD KIT ZONE and VIDEO AND XBE REGION information.

    "NTSC, Region 1" for US Xbox gamers
    "PAL, Region 4" for UK Xbox gamers

    4. Select "LOAD XBOX EEPROM" in the menu.
    5. Select "UNLOCK HD" in the menu.
    6. Load the EEPROM.BIN file in the DATA directory by choosing "LOAD EEPROM FROM .BIN FILE"
    7. If you see that the VIDEO AND XBE REGION information is different, you MUST change it. Go into the menu and choose "ON-THE-FLY EDIT EEPROM". Change the VIDEO AND XBE REGION number to the proper information of your former EEPROM.
    8. Now, select "UPDATE XBOX EEPROM" in the menu.
    9. Your Xbox's EEPROM will now be updated with the file in the DATA directory.
    10. In the menu, select "LOAD XBOX EEPROM". You will notice your EEPROM is now different! Success
    11. Select "LOCK HD" from the menu.
    12. Select "EXIT CONFIGMAGIC" in the menu.

    - If you were using the XBOX DVD KIT to play DVDs, and the Xbox gives an error about region, load up Configmagic and change the DVD KIT ZONE number to the number of your previous EEPROM. UNLOCK the HD, choose "ON-THE-FLY EDIT EEPROM" in the menu and simply change the DVD KIT ZONE number. Then, UPDATE XBOX EEPROM and LOCK HD. Exit Configmagic.
    - You can view any Xbox EEPROM using your PC by getting Liveinfo PC program. It will show all the details of an EEPROM.BIN file. You might find it easier to edit any possible changes to your DVD KIT ZONE or VIDEO AND XBE REGION using the program, rather ON-THE-FLY EDIT EEPROM in Configmagic.
    - Sometimes, with a PAL EEPROM, your Xbox's time might be wrong or video settings will be different. Go into the MS dash and change the settings to the way you seem fit.

    Tutorial written by : Shanafan

  3. Xyion

    Xyion Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Thanks, that was big help!
    Do you do this after youve been banned or before?
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2006
  4. Xyion

    Xyion Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Does anyone have a copy of ConfigMagic that i could use?
  5. ndjumpbal

    ndjumpbal Guest

    I really don't think you need to do that for what you want
  6. Xyion

    Xyion Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Why what do you suggest?
  7. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    u welcome and u do it before u go online and dont be online while ur doing it, glad i could be help
  8. ndjumpbal

    ndjumpbal Guest

    well you only need to get a new eeprom if your XBOX!!! got banned from live....aka your box won't log on to live. If your tag got banned for halo 2, then it's just for halo 2. You can just get a new tag. To go on live you can shut off your softmod or boot to a non modded state. If you are still having problems then just just xlink.
  9. knizzle

    knizzle Guest

    well you can do put your new eeprom in before u go on live but its better just to use your original. This being because if you get banned on your original you can put in the back up. If you put the back up in before you get banned, and then afterwards you do get banned, youll have no eeprom to use and have to get a 3rd xbox to change it
  10. CuntBox

    CuntBox Guest

    I was recently banned from Halo 2 live. i have a few soft mods and use teh linux to softmod. i only ise it in custom games with my friends soo being banned pissed me off. i would really like to get back on if you could please help me. i really do only play on custom games and i dont see why thats a problem. please help me out. i want to be able to play matchmade games without the softmod.
  11. HurtDonit

    HurtDonit Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    Unless you have installed to dash board you can go on xbox live freely!
  12. Xyion

    Xyion Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Hey does anyone know where i could get Coolspots Map resigner, or any other program that works like it beacause i have been told you need this to mod the new maps
  13. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    if u have the unleash X dashboard installed but no mods installed will u still get banned???
  14. Xyion

    Xyion Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Can you play Halo 2 in 3rd person?
    Halo PC you can it looks awsome.
  15. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    u can get coolspot's map resigner at
  16. Uzumaki13

    Uzumaki13 Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Mydadsfat, do u know anyone that i can get a ntsc eeprom from or could you maybe give me one/sell me one.
  17. clutchx

    clutchx Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    do you get banned from live
    if you only mod in custom games and
    dont mod in matchmaking?
  18. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    yes u will get banned for modding in custom games. as soon as u sign out even if u dont play any games u will be banned or if u play online for 6 hours u will be banned
  19. Uzumaki13

    Uzumaki13 Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    if u r banned can't u just get a new xbox live registration card.
  20. frank9

    frank9 Guest

    none of you know what you are doing go to my website (link at bottom)
    you get coolspots at and if you need any help with any thing send me a friend request at Frank 9 on live.

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