I was curious to know which DVD editing software is available for a Mac. For instance, something like DVDRemake, where you can choose which specific extras to keep, and which to not. Something that has the ability to preserve the original menu, remove menu options which you chose not to keep, join together two episodes from two different DVDs onto one, and keep some bonus features over others (i.e. loose the trailers but keep the outtakes). Maybe DVDRemake is Mac compatible, I can't tell. I downloaded the demo version but I can't seem to get it to run. help.
I don't think you can choose which DVD extras to keep with Toast. I think it's like Popcorn where you can choose "main feature" or "all", but nothing inbetween. I'm trying to find a program that allows me to take my extracted movie, and then get rid of some of the bonus features, but keep others, to allow for less compression.