i searched the forum and it looked like one thread said mediastudio is a good program for editing mpeg's but i'm not certain it's what i'm looking for. i need somnething that will allow me to go through an mpeg and keep the segments i want and delete the rest. any clues on what i can use to accomplish this?
No, Media Studio is not a Mpeg editor, it is a editor and it will edit Mpeg files but not in the Proper Way because all of those So Called Editors will allways re-compress the Edited file while rendering which greatly reduces the Quality...Mpeg editors are specially designed to edit Mpeg files without actually re-encode the file so there is no quality loss...Probably the Best Mpeg editor is called "Womble Mpeg2VCR" it is easy to use and a very good editor, but if you are just wanting something free and simple then you can use something like the mpeg editor in "Tmpgenc" and there are some others that are free But I do not know how well they work like one is called "Chopper XP" and one is called "Mpeg2Cut" and there is a Simple Mpeg editor that comes with this Mpeg decoder for Tmpgenc which can be downloaded here http://www.marumo.ne.jp/mpeg2/m2v_vfp-0.6.44.lzh ...well good luck