Hey I had a friend put in my mod chip because I dont really know how to solder and I didnt want to break my gamecube. A couple weeks later I went to adjust the Pot and the Red Wire came out. Now disks won't spin. I can't really get this friend to resolder it any time soon so I would like to try it myself. The problem is I havent found any good information on how to solder, like what kind of solder I need and good detailed instructions. I know where to solder the red wire, but thats about it. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it. Thanks! P.S.- pictures help ^_^.
http://modthatcube.pxn-os.com/content/solder/index.html read, it's very easy to solder, just make sure your iron is no more than 15 watts otherwise you'll burn through the board, and make sure you have a brand new tip, much easier to work with
Thanks so much for your help! I guess I should practice on stuff before I try it on the Gamecube. With my luck, I'll solder it right but something else will go wrong with it. That seems to be the trend so far. lol .^_^.