hey i just got sof2 and when i scan it with clony it comes up with "unknown protection." is this game free of protection or is it not showing up.
If i am not mistaken, SOF2 is NOT protected. I found this somewhere on the net: Title Soldier of Fortune 2 Double Helix Operating System Windows XP Pro Format PC-CDROM Number of Discs 2 Copy Protection none Read Device Lite-on 16102B Read Option(s) Cd Rom > to imagefile (Default) Write Device Lite-on 16102B Write Option(s) Imagefile > CD Rom Write Media 24x Tested Date 2002-06-20 Tested By Bulk Comments Not protected
SOFII is unprotected so if you're getting read errors it's almost certainly because of damage to the cds. To get a clean error free copy, read with blindread using nibble method without subs and burn with blindwrite using SAO cooked. That will repair the errors and your copy should be error free. Shoey
LOL you can just copy the entire contents of the SOF2 cds to your harddrive and burn it straight as a DATA cd lol (just remember to get the label right)
I have copied the CD's to my harddrive but I cant get the labels right could you tell me what I should lable them. Thanks gratzuk