Hi im having an issue with some of my video and music files not transfering to my xbox, its hooked up with a cat 6 cable directly through my router and i use Flashfxp to transfer it, most files transfer fine, but id say about 15% just fail everytime, always the same ones!! Why these files and not all of them etc? just seems wierd. If anyone has a remedy for this it would be awsome. Cheers
There are a couple diffren't things that could be happining to you... one you have a firewall preventing file transfer. Make sure your zone alarm or equivalent is turned off. Two make sure Windows Firewall is turned off. If you are going to use a firewall, windows firewall is NOT the way to go, get the free version of zone alarm. Try again with those things turned off... even when I allow programs access, for some reason I get problems some times with zone alarm up. The second reason... I have no idea, but San Andreas would copy EVERY file but one file in one of the sounds folder. Every time I tried to copy that file to my Desktop Pc it would hard lock my computer. So I turned on the laptop and all the files coppied fine to my laptop. The only thing I can think of was it had something to do with the raid 0 configuration I had my desktop configured in, cause when I tried to transfer the file from my laptop to my desktop it hard locked my desktop and gave me an error saying the path was too deep. I have no clue, so that game just got burnt off from my laptop. If you don't have a firewall up and your desktop can see your xbox drives you should be working fine. Check the source CD/DVD make sure it's clean and not scratched. Good luck.
also, your file names may be too long(i think the limit is 42 characters), try making the names shorter. also look for illegal characters in the names. The following characters are permitted: ! # $ % & ' ( ) - . @ [ ] ^ _ ` { } ~ Numerals 0 through 9 Upper and lower-case letters A through Z The following characters [bold]CANNOT[/bold] be used: < > = ? : ; " * + , / | Characters values 0 through 31 and 128 through 255.
thanks!!! Changing the file names seems to help, even though some names seemed fine, just altering them slightly worked!!! Cheers Mark