Some games stop playing after modding my xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by omnipoten, Mar 12, 2006.

  1. omnipoten

    omnipoten Guest

    Help! I softmodded my xbox a long time ago everything Worked great.
    then I desided to put a bigger hard drive in my xbox. Well now some of my games do not play anymore like nascar06 nfl06 and nhl06 the all worked fine on my old drive.. what has changed? The way i made my new hard drive is used linux dd and some other programs I found and
    it all works fine. All my other games works fine but when i try to run one of the games I mentioned the xbox just locks up.. it does the same off the hard drive and off the cd. any help any ideas..
  2. SCJudd

    SCJudd Member

    Jul 10, 2005
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    Hey, I had a similar problem once. Turned out the parental controls had blocked the game (that info is written to the eeprom so it stays in effect no matter what dash you use).

    Just boot up the retail dash and make sure that the parental controls are off then try again. Let me know how it goes!
  3. omnipoten

    omnipoten Guest

    Found the problem I cleared my Cache on E

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