Hi I am using just a normal nintendo ds with an R4 SDHC card. It has worked fine for years but just recently I put new games in for my grandson and they won't work , I just get a blank screen. I have downloaded the latest firmware 1.34 but still nothing works All the old games still work perfectly Thanks xxx
Hi The thread you directed me to didnt help me at all, in fact it confused me more lol Sorry I am new to this and just want to get my little grandsons ds working again for him. I downloaded the wood thing and it didnt work. Anyone any ideas please? Thank you xxx
Can someone tell me which is the latest firmware for the R4 SDHC card please? I am getting very confused by the different types of cards Thanks
Try WAIO v1.15 http://www.mediafire.com/?4inslkp4cnk589x You can always find the latest Wood related info here http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=39701.0