1. is it possible to choose the language used for the program interface? or does the software will only go with the language of my OS (my OS is not in english)?? because I don't recall it prompts me to chooose language during installation nor it has an option to choose language within the program 2. does anyone ever succeed in clone a movie/episode dvd :- a) with region code different than your dvd-writer/ram and b) with CSS protection, AND c) by a matSHITa dvd-writer/ram (comes with my toshiba laptop) for which there is no way to unlock the region protection (no such firmware, dvd43 & region+CSS free won't support it), with the help of dvd43 or other softwares???? because i failed everytime i tried....it burnt successfully, but no screen was played when the playback software is trying play it, or my home dvd player can't play any screen even though it can read the burnt disc..so any luck at all?? regard,
Hello D0bee. 1. I have no idea about this. I'd contact Intervideo and ask them. 2. Yes it's possible to backup DVDs that you own that are region coded, encrypted, and copy protected. Try using Slysoft's AnyDVD. It works in the background to decrypt and remove copy protection and also the region protection. Other Matshita users have had success. http://www.slysoft.com (free trial)
are u sure anydvd supports a matshita UJ-841S with RPC II ?? because i installed anydvd before and when i tried to load it, it says something like "this anydvd currently doesn't support RPC II drive or a drive that has no region code set (i think mine is present to 3 and i've not changed anything yet...so i think it's due to the 1st reason?) .... ? i've done some research in different forums and the result tells me that no luck for matshita users regarding unlocking the region code ?? if u know any of the successful matshita users, could u ask what model and region/css free program they are using?? thanks
D0bee, Look at the second post here from Slysoft: http://club.cdfreaks.com/archive/index.php/t-101267.html
Quoted "It cannot bypass region codes with Matsushita (Panasonic) drives." ... "There is nothing AnyDVD, DVDDecrypter, or any other software can do about this." Unquoted arggg............why on earth does Panasonic have to do this????? I regret so much that I didn't do some research on this before I bought this new laptop ........ If i knew this, i swear i wouldn't buy anything with a matshita drive on it! there are dvds of different region codes in the legal market here..... !! why why why... ok...i succeed in copying a protect dvd with the region code matched with my drive .... but it'a really a pity for being unable to bypass the region code for this mat-SHIT-a drive!!!!
I agree that Panasonic sucks. They're cheap so I guess Gateway, Dell, and others use them. I use an internal burner mounted in an external enclosure with my laptops. I have for years. I also have an NEC 6750 laptop burner which is most excellent. However, it gets light use because it isn't designed for heavy use. That's what the external burner is for. Internal burners are $35-$40 shipped and external enclosures are $25-$40 shipped. Newegg had some out of box Bytecc USB2 encosures for $20. They have NEC and BenQ burners for $35.
@JLUVLACE. just use fabdecrypter your hard drive then use intervideo to compress and burn. as to the problems you, for sure, are goint to have with intervideo, noone will be able to help you. see you.
i bypass by using my desktop (of which drive let region free software to bypass) to rip the dvd with a different region code than of my laptop drive and then I have to zip it and burn the video files on several CD-R (my old desktop dvd-drive doesn't burn)then I use those video files on my laptop to burn the dvd....it takes so many steps and effort......should have got an external dvd burner for my desktop, not a can't-region-free laptop........ sigh =(( by the way, i have problem in making a dvd-9 into 2 dvd-5 (i.e. without shrinking the quality)...it's a episode dvd..i did that with intervideo dvd copy...it works ok on my 1st dvd-5, but for the 2nd one, dunno why the last 2 episodes are missing but the extra bonus are ok....i choose to copy exact things (i.e. with the menu , extra, subtitles etc) .. any idea?