I have several X-vid that play fine on my computer. I also have several that play but, the video is kind of corrupted. Everything runs together and its impossible to watch. Its almost as if the data is corrupted like on a DVD that has bad sections. The odd thing is that I downloaded some of these on a different computer they played fine, I burned them and played them on my friends computer fine. When I place them on my computer using either of two drives the video is off. That goes for playing from the cd also. Please someone help me, I have at least 20 or more of these 'bad' files. I have the X vid codec, I am almost to the point of uninstalling all of my codecs and reinstalling them to see if there is any difference.
Did you install the latest xvid 1.02? That has some decoder fixes that might help you. What exactly is your problem anyway? It is a bit unclear. You could also try ffd show filter which helps decode on slower machines.
Yeah, I have xvid 1.02. I will include some pics to show my problem. I have a data cd with eps of an anime on it. Any computer seems to play them fine except mine. Even seeing the thumbnails on the cd or my computer show it as being blocky. Here is a link showing pics of my problem.. http://www.encode.50megs.com/ The first frames of video that I get stay on the screen. As the frames advance pieces show up on my screen but mainly the parts that move, the background tends to stay there. I usually see the new subtittles too. The video is a mix several frames running together. Some store bought dvd's that I have seen have bad sections where the audio is messed up and parts of the video will look blocky and run together, that is what my problem is only the audio is fine and my entire file is blocky.
Thanks Kingd, I think you answered my question on another thread with some others... http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/86135 I'll try a few things and see if I can fix this.