Grrr!!! Im doing IT coursework and its really annoying. Someone wanna post a "hello"?? Lol, its pretty pointless posting this because noone will be online! Hee hee.
Have no fear, the Furr is hear! *comes skiding to a halt* *out of breath and panting* hello BillyBob ^_^
ye is entertained with some dance music.. click here
Hello Billy-Boy! Are your studies getting the best of you? Can't you find someone to do it for you LOL?
LOL! They are nearly getting the better of me. Im one of those people who leaves it until the day before it has to be in. Which was today lol! I finsihed it though, and i also managed to get an extension to improve it
@Billy-Boy...I know whereof you speak. Years ago, someone once told me, "Gerry, if procrastination were a virtue, you'd be first among the saints."
Follow the bouncing dot October 24, 2005 4:00 AM PDT We tried this experiment--honest, we did--but had to stop when we got splitting headaches. The animated graphic on this page supposedly illustrates how the brain plays tricks on itself, in this case making several rotating pink dots appear to turn into a single green one. Blogma will just have to take the author's word for it. (Warning: Do not try this if you have a hangover.) Posted by Mike Yamamoto go here
@Gerry LOL! Anyone would think that if someone said that to you, that you would be posting on aD al the time when you sohuld be working! @ Ireland, thats crazy, i have a headache already. @bilg25 Thanks. I will have a look.