If this is in wrong place, please move. Anyway, I have a dell monitor, that has 2 vga inputs, a small blue one, and a bigger grey one. I have the xbox 360 connected to the small one and the pc connected to the other. Anyway, what I want is, im not sure what these are called as im looking on ebay for one, but a thing that will allow me to connect 2 vga;s into one port. For example, I have this tv thing that allows me put the tv antenna into a vga input and watch tv on the monitor, but then I have to remove the xbox 360, is there anything I can get that will allow me to connect 2 vga's into one, you get what I mean? BTW, my monitor has 3 channels, one for pc, xbox 360 and a free one.
No I mean something that will like, allow me to plug 2 different VGA devices into one VGA imput, ya know what i mean? Like if I want to plug a xbox 360 and PS3 into the one VGA socket on the monitor, is there something that will allow me do that? Imagine this, http://www.logicsupply.com/images/photos/cables/VGASplitter_big.jpg where the left plug, the one on its own goes into the monitor, and the 2 vga's stacked can be used for the xbox and ps3, and I can switch between them on my monitor on the channels. I have 3, 1 for xbox, 1 for PC and one thats free.
Sorry for double post but to make it simpler, what im looking for is the opposite of that in the picture in the link you gave. Where the single VGA goes into the monitor and the 2 together are for, say xbox and ps3. You get what I mean?