It may be major... it may not... but when i turn on my computer, the screen doesnt come on no matter how long i leave it on for, but as soon as i hit the reset switch everythgin works fine... any ideas/ suggestions? thank you everyone in advance
try reseating all cables, cards & ram. look at the can shaped objects that are capacitors on the motherboard to see if flat topped not domed!
Do any led's flash up when you power up??? If not maybe the power switch is wire into the reset switch?
pull your power plug out open your case remove the battery little round flat silver thing count to ten put it back should be reset to defaults now sounds like your bios has been altered
do you have the power switch and reset cables in the right way round? by this i do not mean have you connected them to the wrong part - but are they the correct direction with their + and - connections?
Hey, Unless your already sorted I'd suggest one of 2 things, neither is ideal Hopefully it is as suggested above, cables or lose connection somewhere, but I've seen the problem casued before by a bad PSU or a dodgy Motherboard. Like I said, not ideal, because not everybody has spares to test with, but worth a shot if you can. Hope you get sorted.
damnit... well i reset cables... and it worked once... and now it does it again... ::sigh:: ty for all of everyones help