Sony CRX230E Not Recognized

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by dwwright, Jun 18, 2005.

  1. dwwright

    dwwright Member

    Jun 18, 2005
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    Dell Dimension T600 PC
    Cpu: Intel Pentium 4 @ 600Mhz
    Memory: 256 MB PC100
    Sound: Sounblaster Live
    Video: nVidia GeForce 256 with 32 MB memory
    NIC: 3COM 3905B
    SCSI: Adaptec AIC7850
    Modem: USR Voice Fax external
    DVD: Creative Labs DVD-RAM RAM1220S (SCSI)
    CD: Sony CD-RW CRX230E (EIDE)

    The CD is not recognized by some programs & cannot be written to.
    There are no conflicts in Device Manager

    Results of tests:

    Control Panel->System->System Properties->Device Manager
    CD-ROM Creative DVD RAM RAM1220S
    Sony CD-RW CRX230E

    For both devices there are no conflicts and are working correctly
    Adaptec SCSI controller is also working correctly and with no conflicts. Software is from the Windows 98 CD -AIC7850

    Creative Disk Detector:
    F: Creative DVD RAM RAM1220S
    G: Sony CD-RW CRX230E

    NTI File CD
    No CD-RW was detected

    NTI CD-Maker
    Drive Properties:
    Creative DVD RAM RAM1220S (A108)
    Sony CDR230E does not appear

    Sony DriveCheck: (downloaded from Sony site)
    Test supports testing of Sony CD & DVD drives only

    Sony Firmware Update - QYS3 (downloaded from Sony site)
    No Drive
    Utility is only for Sony CD-RW CRX230E
    Detected Drives 0-0-4-0
    Present firmware is QSY1

    The Sony CD-RW can read CD's (also loads bootable CD´s, Autoruns )
    I am at a complete loss as to what is happening and would appreciate any help or advice
  2. Goreman

    Goreman Member

    Jun 15, 2005
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    So it is just not picked up by a program? Is that the issue here? The NTI one? Try doing something with Nero and see if the drives work. You may need to update your aspi layer. I know when I did that my burner started working.
  3. dwwright

    dwwright Member

    Jun 18, 2005
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    Not quite. The Sony software does not find the drive. This, I think is the main clue. The drive acts as a generic CD ROM reader , no write capabilities. I cannot update the firmware (QYS3).

    I will chheck the aspi layer.

  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    bios sees the drive correctly?? uninstall the drive from device manager than restart windows so can reload the driver. your computer is a p3 not p4 & the videocard is a gforce 2 not 256. why buy as scsi card & dvd rom??
  5. dwwright

    dwwright Member

    Jun 18, 2005
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    I checked the aspi layers, and the versions were not in synch. I downloaded Force ASPI and ran the 2 batch programs, dump & install.
    Now Adaptec's aspi_chk shows that all 4 aspi files have the same version number.

    I think the only problem I now have is with the NTI CD-Maker software.
    It wants to write to the Creative DVD instead of the Sony; even though the Sony shows up as properly configured.

    Unless there are other suggestions I will dump the NTI CD-Maker program.It has a file program called FileCD which I find ridiculous; if only because it is incompatible with the Adaptec DirectCD I have on the other computer. I have used the Adaptec CD program before and like the interface and ease of use. For example, files I have copied to a CD with the adaptec DirectCD do not show up in NTI's FileCD, but the adaptec software has no problem with files added by the NTI progranm.

    Oh yeah, Sony's firmware update QSY3 still does not recognize the drive, even though Sony's DriveCheck utility now reads and writes to a CD and states that the drive is functioning properly; just another reason to ditch NTI CD-Maker. I will check the Sony site for information.

    Thanks for the aspi layer suggestion, that went right by me. I believe the conflict in versions ocurred when I installed the latest drivers for the adaptec SCSI card. I thought it could be that, but I had no idea on how to check how it could have modified my system.

    Best regards;


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