Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by SDRAGON13, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. SDRAGON13

    SDRAGON13 Guest

    Many of my outdoor video scenes come out way over exposed. I keep everything on the automatic settings,
    but often the dvd's that I cut are impossible to watch. Anyone else have this problem and any suggestions? I have other Sony cameras and have never experienced this before.
  2. shorty2k

    shorty2k Member

    Feb 9, 2003
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    Use some ND (Neatural Density) filters on your camera, but they are exepensive plus your need a Mattbox with the filter holders.
    But that could cost much more than the price of your cam! also you cant fit a Mattbox on your cam,

    OR go to manual shut down the IRIS as much as possible and put the shutter to the highest speed

    what you could try is getting a yogurt carton and cutting the base out and sticking some transparent plastic stuff on the front (experimant)!! kinda like wearing shades only for your camera

    i supect that being such a small camera it has small CCDs probly 1/6", and dynamic range aint too good on such small chips, in future always get the biggest chips you can get, (also get 3CCD, a world of differance)

    Anhar Miah
    IMECE Aff Mem
    MicoMV = Yuck (sorry thats my op)

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