I have a sony dru 710a dvd/cd recorder and suddenly it won't read ant cd's at all. It still reads and plays and records dvd though. Any help is appreciated.
Sounds kind a odd to me. I owned a Sony Dru 710a DL dvd/cd writer and it has been burning/reading dvds/cds for the last 6 months beautifully. Have you by any chance updated it's firmware? If not, then perhaps you should.
I am not sure what firmware is? It has been working fine for almost a year now, how do I update firmaware.
Cameronp, Go here, if you're from the US, http://sony.storagesupport.com/dvdrw/dru710adwn.htm - then scroll down until you see DOWNLOAD on "Firmware Upgrade Version BYX4". Perhaps, you might want to read on "NOTICE" about it's "Media Compatibility" - this will help to chose what's the right blank media i.e cd/dvd -r/+r/-rw/+rw/+dl. Just download it and save it on your "My Document Folder", once you're done, just click on it's firmware title and it should detect your Sony 710a drive and does its thing right away. This should take about 1 or 2 minutes only. NOTE: make sure you don't have any cd/dvd in your dvd drive. However, if you want to ask questions about your 710a cd/dvd writer, then you can either email them or ask in tech support. Hope this help you a little.
wow alkohol, you are definitely one that is UP 2 DATE w/ your hardware, the new sony dru-710a firmware only came out YESTERDAY and you were already on it, i am thoroughly impressed. @ cameronp anyways, firmware will usually clear up your problem on the drive if you've had no problems until recently. i've been using the BYx3 for the last few months with no problems at all, only until yesterday have i upgraded the firmware and it's working just as good as the previous one, i don't personally notice much of a difference. good luck to you and come on back if any more problems should arise.