Hello i went to codeguys site and downloaded the "patch" for what i thought would allow me to change the book type to dvd-rom i used the BYX5 patched..this file did give me a red light when burning but still doesent reflect and changes to the media.I used the booktype 135 and it doesnt seem to change it even when it says it did.After burning the dvd+r media i went back into 135 and it still showed as DVD+R in both selections. Can someone show me which link to use to make the right change? My drive is a sony DRU-710A thanks
Ok heres what i know my Sony burner is a rebadged lite-on SOHW-1633S So i reflashed with the firmware below: hxxp://codeguys.rpc1.org/firmwares/dvdrw/1633S.BS0Y.patched-cf-mcled.rar So now its detected as the Liteon Drive and using the liteon book type 135 utility i have got the dvd-rom to show up.The problem i seem to be getting now is it only gives me a good burn every other disc???? Whats up wit this? I know it burns them but after i try to read them they are not detected at all???? I never had this problem before. When flashed as the sont dru710a it pretty much always burns everytime. Using the same media dvd+r same brand from the same stack! thanks for your help
to be honest, not all sony/lite-on drives work - sometimes you crossflash and it may make no difference at all. I wrote a guide, you may have seen. It just is about if your lucky like me. @Kentucky - Why do you want to booktype using DVD-ROM? Just buy some Datawrite 16x DVD-R form your local PC store, mine are 15p each. 5p cheaper than ritek +R's, I know its not much but if you buy 100 its adds up to £5 off.
How would these datawrites help me? Do they come in inkjet printable? Do these show up as something different once burned? thanks
DataWrite are made by Verbatim Also, in my humble opinion, bitsetting DVD+r is better than using just DVD-r. However, that's personal opinion, that differes from member to member.
Ye it differs - DVD-R is the better booktype for DVD players and XBOX/PS2 read DVD-R better than DVD+R so DVD-R is the best media and best booktype.
Nope, you can't booktype DVD-r... You can only booktype DVD+r to DVDROM. I realise you maybe weren't saying that but.. However, for DVD Players, DVD+r is better, as it can be boktyped to ROM, therefore acting as a "normal DVD". **We could go on for hours, so I think I'll agree to disagree here ;-)**
No i sed booktype DVD+R to DVD-R. Im not disagreeing bout anythin, maybe iam wrong about new DVD players, as they are better with DVD+R - maybe. Maybe older drives are better with DVD-R coz i heard this somewhere. PS2 and XBOX are way better at reading DVD-R than +R's tho. I never said they werent? Just dont contradict everthing ppl say. Thats the only thing I'm disagreeing bout.
Lol, you're getin nowhere with this.. You can't booktype DVD+r to DVD-r.... That's not fact; it's opinions varying between members. I was merely pointing something out; being helpful and informative. However, you took it the wrong way. Also, work on your vocab. I'm not contradicting anything...Do you know what that means? I don't see where you're trying to get with this...
Well I can booktype DVD+R to DVD-ROM - Im sure. I downloaded a booktype liteon software that allowed me to booktype +R to -ROM. Contradicting means when I say something and you butt in and say its not something.
Something we agree on! Yes, you can bookyutpye +r to ROM! But, you can't booktype -r to ROM! Yeah, so how am I contradicting you? As I said before, I was being helpful and informative by giving you more info on your disks... You toko it the wrong way.
Kentucky soz for the discussion between me and ripper in your thread. So whats the status, you crosspatched your drive yet?
Kentucky, Try using dvd decrypter or imgburn to set your drive to booktype dvd-rom. Use the eeprom setting. If you are still having some bad burns, try resetting the eeprom with the lite-on eeprom utility http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=83441 You can also now flash that drive to a SOHW-1653S with patched f/w, which is a much better drive imo with more media supported firmware. http://codeguys.rpc1.org/firmwares.html • CS0T - patched - crossflashing, multi-colored LED (for 1213S, 1613S, 1633S, etc.)