Hello all, I hope I'm in the right area. I have a Sony DVD ROM DDU 1612 and it has been working fine. But just recently it stopped reading DVD's, it will read CD's ok but will not the other. When a DVD is in the player the yellow light just blinks on and off and nothing happens. I have not installed any new programs so am at a loss to why it stopped working. I ran a lenses cleaner through it and made no difference. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Perchance could you have it set on the CD option rather than the DVD option in a program such as Nero? If OK would try an uninstall of your DVD drive from the Device Manager and then allow it to reinstall on reboot.
Thanks colw for the reply. I have the latest Nero, where abouts in that do I find if it is set only to CD? I will await your reply before trying your other suggestion.
Hi Nero has a drop down box in the top middle of the Nero Smart Start display - one is CD, one is DVD and the other is CD/DVD I've been caught with this once or twice when switching between burning CDs and DVDs.
Thanks again. I tried both your suggestions, but the ROM still fails to play a DVD of any description, although will play CD's OK, weird. Maybe the DVD part of the ROM is stuffed, as in Device Manager it says the device is working correctly. Does ASPI drivers have any roll in this?? Colw, thanks so much for your help, at least you gave me some hope. Thanks
Not sure re ASPI but you can use Nero Info Tools to check that they are loaded and working properly. The other thing I would try before burying the drive is to download and run Nero Clean Tools and then tying a reinstall of Nero.
I have just done as you suggested but with no luck. I guess I will replace the ROM as not a large outlay really. Thanks very much for your help.