I have a Sony DRU-530A which I have been burning with for several weeks (With you guy's help) but I tried to install the Firmware Upgrade and all it does is tell me to re-boot the computer. I do, then try to continue and it tells me the same thing. Contact with Sony has had the expected result, which is NO result. Anyone have any success?? I have also seen here (I'm not sure where) of someone 'Hacking the Firmware'. Is this an option?? Thanks a lot for the information I have gotten from here so far. Soja
I normally look here for firmware for my writer: http://forum.rpc1.com/ Read through/search the Forum for comments on your particular Sony drive ;-)
Hey Also remember that when you update the firmware, the DVD Burner should be on the Seconardy Channel, set as Master with no other drive on there, only the dvd drive itself. Regards CoZZa