Hi, I got a lend of a sony camcorder and i'm trying to transfer the video to my pc. The problem is my pc won't recognise the camcorder when i connect everything up. The cd that came with it cannot be found,but i downloaded the driver(usb spvd-010). the instruction booklet is in ...wait for it..italian... As you can imagine i need some help. thx
You should not go through USB, but through a Firewire connection. And if you do, you don't need drivers. Just connect the camera and it will be recognized.
If it was not supplied with your camera, yes. You need a Firewire cable and you're PC of course needs to have a Firewire connection.
I'm new to this,so forgive my ignorance about this! I do have a 1394 bus host but dont want to buy any new cables at the moment. I've just got the usb cable and have had a bit of luck...the compter recognises the new hardware but when i use the program(pixela image mixer)it say "check mode set on camera and confirm connection with computer" also i seem to have 6 usb jacks/slots 2 at the front 4 at the back which should i use? every time i put the cable into a new jack/slot windows want to install new hardware. anyone????????
I forgive your ignorance if you follow my advice: get yourself a Firewire cable. It is a question if you can stream video from tape to your PC over USB. If you can it will only be preview quality: low resolution, terrible image, not even worth watching. A firewire cable costs $10...
got it!!! Seen one for 15 euros and said why not...plus i've read some reviews about the usb quality..not very good.what now? what software do i need to make it work?? do i just hook it up ant the pc will recognise it?
worked it out,thx for the help! Can anyone suggest a good program for capturing and editing home movies? I've read that imagemixer dos'nt create good quality. 1 more thing..do you know of any web sites for info on converting these home movies to dvd??
Sure, all steps are explained in the basic section of http://www.digitalvideoclub.com In the articles a number of programs are mentioned with some specific comments. This page lists all well known companies in video editing and their programs: http://www.digitalvideoclub.com/siteinfo/suppliers.php
Its funny because i've just registered to that web site...great btw I succeeded transfering video to pc with the firewire cable,but had problems with the quality using pixela image mixer-it transfered 24 mins of video into a size of 500 mb,which i thought was very strange cause what i read was it was going to take maybe 4 gb per 20 mins of video. So i downloaded dvio and transfered 40 mins of video(9 gb)of great quality!! thx for the help TPFKAS