Sony's DCRSR100 or DCRDVD505

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by pacman25, Jul 23, 2006.

  1. pacman25

    pacman25 Member

    Apr 15, 2005
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    Hi! I need you opinions, which one is better guys? HDD or DVD? THanks! :)
  2. angelic65

    angelic65 Member

    May 16, 2004
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    Dont go either. Go for a Mini DV camera. Sony has plenty of good ones in this media as well. Get one with a memory stick slot and you can take pics of the film as well which is handy for moving shots.

    The HDD and DVD camera's are great as a beginner camera that you don't want to edit anything but just take out the minidvd and playback on your DVD player. But eventually you will get sick of that and want to edit bad footage out of it, and trust me in the beginning there is always plenty of that as well as plenty of footage of the inside of your camera bag or the ground.

    It is a tedious proces to edit footage once it is in the DVD format that these 2 camera's produce.

    Also is you jog the camera too much it will effect the burning process on the DVD camera. YOu don't get this with the minidv tape camera's.

    These 2 types of camera's are just gimmicks for people with no idea.

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