Discussion in 'DVDR' started by AL-FAMOUS, Jul 15, 2004.


    AL-FAMOUS Member

    Jul 15, 2004
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    hi this is my first post here

    im sure this has been asked a million times....
    i did a search but couldnt find exactly what i was looking for..
    im a regular at a mac forum an i know how annoying it is..but please stick with me
    ive got a mac with a superdrive ( burns dvd-r) so i trot along to pc world and get some (very expensive) panasonic dvd-rs 4.7 gbs....
    i get home try to copy a dvd...alas its like 7gb odd... so i take away some of the files in there and get it down to about 5.4gb...still to large... i have got dvd2one and mactheripper...but there still to big to burn to my silly 4.7gbs...

    how do i do it???... i just want to copy a few dvds for when im on the plane and want to leave my originals for the kids to watch...hope you can help
  2. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Nothing odd at all, most DVDs today are in the 7GB range. They are dual layer. Some of the new dual layer burners will burn high capacity discs with dual layers. Only problem is that the media costs as much as a new DVD in a lot of cases. So everybody is recording to the 4.7 GB discs. Heres a short synopsis and solution.

    You have to have a transcoding software program to do DVD backups. Original discs have to be decoded as they will not record otherwise. The decoded files then have to be compressed and a burner segment records the files to disc. The free program DVDShrink can decrypt and encode (rip and burn). Using the option to place (rip) an ISO image on the hard drive, allows the use of DVD Decrypter another free tool to burn the ISO file to disc. You can get a user guide here at AD, at and at DVD Decrypter doubles as a burner, but its best qualities are as a decryption tool, one of the best.

    There are a multitude of retail items. My favorites are DVDCopy2, InterVideo; Nero Recode2; and I hear IC8 by Pinnacle is good. These can be purchased on the net and downloaded. They require a decrypter (ripper) and DVD Decrypter will work for that.

    Nero has a 30 day trial you can download. DVD Shrink works best with Nero. With the trial pack you get the Recode 2 (better than Shrink to me because you can edit and have functional menus). InterVideo only allows a few days with Copy2.

    Good luck and be sure to read the guides.

    The best way to get started is to download DVD Shrink and Install. Download Nero and Install. (Do not install the INCD portion as it causes some problems for some systems. Not worth the risk.)
    Starting out you need know nothing about Nero. Shrink uses the program to burn automatically when you enter the backup command. Nero is usually the burner choice already, but make sure the choice is selected, look in the book. Shortly, hopefully within the week, Shrink is coming out with a new version that rivals many retail products. Not the ones I mentioned.

    Again, good luck and welcome to the forum. Hope your PC has the system requirements for recording DVD. 10-15GB free HD space, CPU over 1GHz (min 750MHz?), 500MB RAM (min 250MB?)

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2004
  3. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Here is some info I just found out about. Seems some changes at Nero. You can use the DVD Decrypter and import the file to Recode2 and do an excellent job. There should be user guides at the Nero site.

    I believe I need to clarify some issues, as some statements made here are true, but only in certain cases.

    First, there is only one Nero 6 Suite. On our website, we have the Nero 6 Suite broken down into four components. The reason is that if we combined it all in one, we would have a very large download. And most of our customers only want to download portions of the Nero 6 Suite. So we have it broken down in the following fashion.

    Under UPDATES:

    Package 1: This contains our Nero Burning ROM/Nero Express build. This also includes Nero BackItUp, Nero Cover Designer, Nero WAV editor, Nero SoundTrax, Nero ToolKit, Nero Image Drive.

    In a nutshell, Package 1 is all you'll need for basic CD and DVD Creation. Be it for Audio, Data, or basic VCD and SVCD Creation, or copying of data/audio CD's.

    Package 2: This contains our NeroVision Express 2, Nero Recode, and Nero Showtime.

    In a Nutshell, all your DVD Authoring tools needed for creation and playback.

    Package 3: This contains only InCD 4. You PacketWriting software to treat your ReWritable media like a floppy.

    Package 4: This contains our NeroMix software. This is like your Windows Media Player 9 program.

    Important Note: Under Trial Versoins, Package 3 is NeroMix, and Package 4 is our NeroPhotoShow Express, which is our new Photo ManageMent software. Expect the Updates page to change soon to add the Nero PhotoShow Express for download as well in the coming days.

    On another Note, our DEMO software is a complete and fully functional download. That means it DOES come with a full working Nero Recode 2. Our Demo's only work for the month they are released, not 30 days from the time of install. So it's possible that you download the Demo 4 days before the month ends, and you only get 4 days before the Demo expires. However, we do come out with a new Demo each month, so you need only uninstall the old Demo and install the New to obtain the full 30 days trial for the new month.

    And yes, this could mean that you never have to purchase our software. But to date, this has not harmed our sales any. Far from it, from our viewpoint it helps our sales. :)

    As for OEM bundles not including Nero Recode 2, this True and False, depending on the OEM. The OEM has full control over what they wish to include in their OEM bundle. Some want the Nero Recode 2, and others do not. So if you purchase a bundled Recorder with our software, be sure to check with the OEM first to see what exactly they offer Nero OEM bundle.

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