sound is faster than movie

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by Gamer2478, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. Gamer2478

    Gamer2478 Guest

    I made this part 1 of this movie and put it on dvd using Nero and when I play it on anything the sound isn't equal with the picture. The sound is ahead of where your at in the movie whats the deal? And this only comes up when I try to put it on dvd or vcd or anything. I catch it before I put it on a disc because you know most movie making programs have a preview of the movie before you burn it and it does it there but I can play it before I even try to make a dvd and it plays fine.
  2. pstamer

    pstamer Guest

    It might be your media or your burning speed. What media are you using, and in what speed are you burning?
  3. Gamer2478

    Gamer2478 Guest

    what do u mean by what media? and I'm burning at 2x
  4. pstamer

    pstamer Guest

    What I mean is the brand of dvds that you're using and whether it's dvd-r or dvd+r. It's good to burn your dvdrs at 4x.
  5. Gamer2478

    Gamer2478 Guest

    well I don't believe the speed had anything to do with it right now cause it shows that it's messing up during the video preview before I burn it.
    I'm using Memorex DVD-R 16x,4.7GB,120min.
  6. pstamer

    pstamer Guest

    My mistake. I misunderstood you. I would stay away from Memorex if I were you. I've had to learn that lesson the hard way. Try Verbatims or Taiyo Yudens; can't go wrong with those.
  7. Gamer2478

    Gamer2478 Guest

    do u think its Nero thats the problem? Maybe its transcoding it wrong or something, cause the movie works fine before its just when I want to make it a movie on disc.
  8. pstamer

    pstamer Guest

    Is it an avi file? Are you using Nero vision express? You might need to defrag your hard drive. Could also be a bad avi file. You could also download a free program called gspot that will tell you what codecs are required to play the file correctly. Could be a codec issue.
  9. Gamer2478

    Gamer2478 Guest

    yes its a .avi and its type of compression is xvid. So if a codec was missing could that mean that, that missing codec would effect it on the dvd also?
  10. Gamer2478

    Gamer2478 Guest

    o ya I also have the Nero 7 premium
  11. pstamer

    pstamer Guest

    Could be. Try the gspot program(just google it). Then you'll know. If that's the case you can download the individual codecs as oppossed to the entire codec pack which can be a big mess. I would use nero vision express version 3 if I were you. Some people are having many problems with nero vision exress 4. I would say 3 is the most stable version. When you burn the dvd, make sure that the "Burn at once" feature is turned off. Also, set the priority to above normal.
  12. Gamer2478

    Gamer2478 Guest

    well a missing codec isn't the problem
  13. Gamer2478

    Gamer2478 Guest

    I'll download nero express vision 3 and see what happens from there.
  14. pstamer

    pstamer Guest

    Cool. Let me know how it goes. Best of luck.
  15. Gamer2478

    Gamer2478 Guest

    dude thank u so much. That was the problem, after i downloaded nerovision express 3 and I used it my movies came out fine. Thank u so much.
  16. pstamer

    pstamer Guest

    Glad I could help. Happy burning.
  17. enemy1169

    enemy1169 Member

    Mar 30, 2007
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    I am having the same problem and I did everything that you said here and now my sound is like a second or two delayed could you please help me with this

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