I burn using Decrypter and DVD Shrink. I have no problems in my burn process but sometimes the sound quality is not too good. It is hard to hear the movie even turned up loud. Anyone have any suggestions or tips please?
I've noticed it on several different DVD players. The sound quality is very low. I use either Decrypter or Shrink and CopyToDVD to burn with. Just wondering if there's is something I am doing wrong or can change.
Is this on several or just one backup? When you say you use Decrypter do you mean by itself, ISO Read, ISO Write on a DVD5?
I do have the same problem for couple of movies. I used decrypter to IFO, then dvd shrink and backed it up. The sound is slow and quality is bad.
DVD-Shrink does not modify the audio quality, it is exactly the same as before. Do you have the original DVD? If so, have you tried playing them both in the same player at the same volume? I'd be curious if you hear any difference.
yes it is on several backups. It doesn't matter if it's Decrypter or Shrink they have low sound quality.
I did uncheck the uncessary audio to make quality better(only left the first one checked),When I used dvd shrink 3.2. When I played my copied dvd, the only choice i have is dolby 5.1, but the sound qulity is bad. I have to turn twice as loud to hear it, and a lot of badground noise too. Did I set up wrong??
I wonder if there is anyhting to do with my outdated computer. My is AMD Duron 800(it took long about an hour to shrink) When I played dvd the video quality is fine,but the audio drives me crazy.
Well unless your PC has a good 5.1 system connected to it, I would expect it to sound a little ropey...........2channel output, possibly stereo if your sound card has that ability.......... What about in a standalone player - what does it sound like then?
if i used my standalone dvd player(wiht my copied dvd), it is better(the background noise is not so loud but still need to turn on the volumn). The thing struck me is that when I used the original dvd , the audio is ok but when I used "my copied dvd", the sound is bad.
Very strange that, as what has already been stated - the audio should not be affected - any compression is done for video and not audio.....!!!!!! Is there a 2ch audio level on it you could select instead - a 2ch one that does not have a directors commentary on? How are listening to the audio from your standalone - through the TV or via an amplifier etc?
Forget the 2 channel stuff, that has nothing to do with it. Always go with 5.1, the standalone will downmix it. Check you player's audio set up.