Hello. I have an MPEG file that I have tried everything with. I have a major sound synch problem, resulting in the voices coming out after the action. NOTHING I have tried (winAVI, dvdSanta, Cucusoft, etc) seems to be able to work, unless there were settings I missed. I have tried every little download I think I could have! TEMPEnc has expired its 30 days on my computer also, so that's out. I could use TEMPEnc MPEG Editor, except it tells me that my framerate is incompatible with creating a DVD. How can I change an MPEG's framerate, with the minimum of fuss and quality loss? Some software is maddening and gives me more MPEG files (ex - dvdSanta). Here is what comes up, with GSpot: I've wasted several discs thinking I had it. The worst thing is that it plays perfectly as an MPEG. Can someone PLEASE tell me how I can convert my MPEG to the sort of DVD files I am used to (EXAMPLE ONLY): ... or to something that will play on a standalone DVD player, WITHOUT the sound sync problems I have been having?
Yes... several times. I did not believe I needed help on this issue because of that reason, but... I have just come up with the solution. It used to squash my MPEG files but the synch was good. After trying all the other applications and coming back to this one I realised that, through the course of trying the others, I had demuxed and multiplexed (stripped sound and video apart and then put them back together, if anyone new is reading this) the MPEG in question. Popping that into DivXtoDVD, the aspect was perfect and so was the resulting burn in synch and otherwise. So there it is. If you (reader) have a problem with an MPEG that you put into DivxToDVD, try demuxing and multiplexing. I am sure this is not necessary in every case, as I have done some where this has not been, but it so often was that I am pleased with this solution and I am sure you will be also. PM me if you are interested in the software used as, having overcome the problem, I am unsubscribing from this thread.
I'm afraid that this is a case in which the movie was converted AVI ---> MPG and it had th VBR problem, ad described in 1) of http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/144386 In this case, if you don't have the orininal AVI (which was in-sync before the AVI --> MPEG conversion) you'r in trouble. You have to demux the sound as uncompressed WAV (http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/144386 ) and MANUALLY edit the WAV file with EAC. I hope tha sound was bad edited in few points. The best way would be get the input AVI and correct the soung BEFORE, ad explained in http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/144386 . But if you don't have it, you're in big trouble... Ah, I never visit this forum because I never make DVDs. Visit me at 'AVI to DVD encoding forum' [which I liked more when it was called '(S)VCD forum because I NEVER do AVI --> DVD conversions] sometimes...