If anybody's interested, the shuttle launch can be viewed on your pc right here>http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html Just click on your media player of choice. Godspeed shuttle crew!
Yeah,that's how we watched it.The web simulcast actually had a 30 sec. delay.I just figured I'd post the link for those few people out there that just can't peel themselves away from their computers. Anyway, The launch was picture perfect!
Hey ddp, I wonder if that was caused by emptying and refueling the main fuel cell twice. At least all seems to be going well so far.
lets hope so! we'll see what happens 2010 when shuttle is retired & possible no replacement ready yet.
Ah,speaking of launches...I see the N.Koreans had a few of they're own today,one within minutes of the Discovery launch. The results were not quite what they hoped for! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/nkorea_missile