Speed for Hi8 transfer?

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by beatclub, Feb 28, 2005.

  1. beatclub

    beatclub Guest

    Greetings -

    I have just purchased a Pioneer DVR 320-s. So far, I like it quite a bit.

    I will be transfering my Hi8 library to DVD.

    Here's the burning question . . . based on hi8 quality, will I even notice a difference between "FINE" speed (1 hour per disc) and "SP" speed? (2 hours)

    SP would be most practical because the tapes are two hours each, and I want to do the transfer right, but am I "wasting" FINE speed on a master (Hi8) that will look the same on SP?

    I really can't test it myself so well, because my best TV is 12 years old, and I'm waiting until next year to get a HD TV.

    Thanks again, I'm anxious to hear what the board thinks.

    Greg G
  2. spacedust

    spacedust Regular member

    Jan 31, 2005
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    Never used one of those units yet but from my capturing experiance using difrent speeds capturing to mpeg2 I would say probally not, But that recorder also does 4hour and 6 hour On those 2 modes you may see a little diffrence.

    Good Luck


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