I just got one today...goin' 84mph on 65mph freeway...cop pulled me over...next time we meet...he wont' be so lucky...
Know the feeling about the instant bills. Word of advice... When you are on the side of the road with a cop, about the worst thing you can do is give the cop any sort of greif, that gets you hauled to jail. Had a p.o.ed cop once who gave me a ticket, don't know, maybe he had the belly ache or something. Won't say I didn't deserve the ticket, I did. But he screwed up and put the wrong time for court appearance on the ticket. When I showed up court was over and I had an arrest warrent issued for not showing up. However I paid the fine, missed having to go to driving school by not being in court to recieve the mandatory driving school, and got the warrent rescinded. Couldn't have done that by smarting off to the cop and being in jail.