Have you ever thought (is it possible) about having a spill chucker for chicking spelling before posting on to forooms
I agree, if I have one of my soapbox sessions, or need to explain in detail. I have to type on wordperfect, copy and paste. I type really good, but my keyboard really gets confused sometimes.
http://www.majorgeeks.com/download2476.html Just install that if you have IE and if you have firefox they have an extension spell Checker.... I mean it saves time then having dRD from having to make a script or whatever for a spell checker
Thank's for the link. I'll give it a try. Sometimes after I type a paragraph or two, it looks like I was typing with my feet. EDIT> Wrkd gret fur me? Imma usye ths fur evythn. No, really I like it. Saves a little time.
We have "add spell checker to forums" feature on our to-do list. Again, don't hold your breath, even tho implementing one is relatively easy task using open source spell checker tools. I'd just love to "pimp" the dictionary with our forums' most commonly used words, so that common digital video terms would get checked correctly as well and not regarded as spelling errors (for some weird reason, basic dictionary files don't include stuff like "wavelet", "inverse telecine" or "matroska container"..). Furthermore, as our forums power also our Finnish forums, I'd like to be able to make the solution language-independent.. But ye, its in plans and its a good idea, thanks for the suggestion
I just had to uninstall the tool tocool4u suggested. Things were getting screwy. I'll stick with wordperfect for now. THe site had a hickup, just a while ago. Shout boxes weren't being updated. But it's back now.
"Furthermore, as our forums power also our Finnish forums, I'd like to be able to make the solution language-independent.." I have to be careful, it does seem to me that a few things get lost in translation. EDIT>tocool4u, I reinstalled the tool. I had a new photo app that was causing the prob. It is a good tool.