Spiderman 2 Backup Trouble

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by andronicu, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. andronicu

    andronicu Member

    Aug 11, 2004
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    Okay, so this is the first game I'm trying to backup since I just put in my mod today. The original game works fine with the mod in. I went into flashfxp and transfered all the files from the disc to my pc. Used Qwix and xISO to make an xbox iso image. Used Nero to burn the dvd+rw. When I boot the screen flickers like going to the game then comes up with a screen(not the one you see at the xbox dash, but one actually using a game font) that says the disc may be scratched or dirty. I used FlashFXP to transfer all the files back from my pc to the hd on the xbox, and the game runs fine from the xbox hd. What am I doing wrong when backing up this game? Cause I know all the files are there cause it loads and plays fine from the hd. I burned it on the lowest speed possible and I know that Qwiz/xISO make okay images for me and that the xbox dvd drive reads these dvd+rw discs fine cause it booted the disc up I made to install my evox dashboard no prob. Could anyone give me a step by step breakdown of what I need to do to backup an xbox game to disc? Also, is there a way to transfer a game directly from the d: drive on the xbox to the e: drive? FlashFXP doesn't seem to let me. Do I need to use some program to crack the games media checks? But if I did wouldn't the game not boot off the hd?
    Anyway, thanks for any responses I get to this.
  2. Laxington

    Laxington Member

    Aug 19, 2004
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    Forget everything else than gdfimage. just transfer everything as usual to your pc and then make an image using gdfimage and burn it with record now. everything else ist just playing araound.

    so long,
  3. ozy

    ozy Regular member

    Apr 17, 2003
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    You can do everything with craxtion 4 but you need the .net framework installed for this program to work.
  4. andronicu

    andronicu Member

    Aug 11, 2004
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    Okay, so I want to give an update to the situation. Last night just before I went to bed I backed up a game using a different dvdr. It worked but I burned it too fast and the fmvs in the game skipped. So I went to bed happy knowing that I knew what the problem was. I got up this morning and reburned the game at a lower speed and I'm getting the same problem I had before. If anyone could pm me a tutorial on how to backup your games starting from transfering them from the xbox dvd drive all the way through burning them I would appreciate it.
  5. Scotsmen

    Scotsmen Guest


    Just a thought but your problem "might" be your media. I burned this title to DVD-R last month and my method was the usual to ftp the "original" games content from the retail media on my xbox via DVD to PC, I then used qwix to build the iso ( I used qwix to patch the xbe while I was at it ) and I used NO other tool to do ANYTHING else to the iso ONLY qwix. Then burned the resulting ISO with nero6.3.

    This back up is working flawlessly (tested in a few xboxes)

    The fact that you used DVD+R might be the problem as its "known" that many xboxes are very fussy about reading DVD+R media (and yes I know some can get DVD+R to read in their xboxes as my xbox reads DVD+R too) but just too many dont so better safe than sorry just burn to DVD-R.


  6. andronicu

    andronicu Member

    Aug 11, 2004
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    Yet another update. I don't get it. I was able to get some dvdrs that I burned with avi files to show up in xbox media center so I figured, hey why not just try burning the contents of the game to disc after transfering them to the pc? Don't convert it to an iso at all. Well, I tried it and guess what? Three backups now and they all work fine.
  7. Scotsmen

    Scotsmen Guest


    The only way I have seen that working without "you" actually making an iso is to choose burn image in your burning program and "it" doing itself for you.

    What burning tool did you use ? And what were the games called ? I would like to test out what you did to see if I can replicate the results.

  8. andronicu

    andronicu Member

    Aug 11, 2004
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    Well, here's the deal. I used FlashFXP to transfer the files. I used Craxtion to patch and make an iso. But since the iso's weren't working I used Qwix to unpack the isos and then burned the games like a data disc in record now max, just dragged and dropped all the files in to the session.
    Could someone send me or give me a link to get GDFImage? I have the GUI.
  9. andronicu

    andronicu Member

    Aug 11, 2004
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    I will be transfering a game next and not making it into an iso then extracting, just burning right after the transfer to see if it works.
    I do find it strange though that I couldn't get a game to burn right using the method that everyone says to use, but could get it to work a way that they're not supposed to. By the way the games I backed up this way so far are Spiderman 2, Splinter Cell, and Crimson Skies.
  10. shwnrhmn

    shwnrhmn Member

    Aug 21, 2004
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    hey guys,

    i backed up spiderman2 using dvd decrypter, no prob there, just takes a little longer to load, but everything a-ok. i suggest dvd decrypter all the way dude, iso-read iso-write.

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