Hi, I would like to download a file of a TV series that is 4.2GB in size. It consists of 13 x 42 minute (approx) episodes which are in .avi format. How do I split the episodes to encode and burn them to multiple discs? Could someone please advise on a program to use? I use AVI2DVD for encoding and Nero for burning, but a file this size is a new experience for me. Advice would be appreciated - thanks.
Are the files in an ISO file? If so you can download a program called ISOBuster and extract the AVI files from it so you can split the AVI files into diffrent disc. ISOBuster ---> http://www.isobuster.com/isobusterdownload.php More then likly if these are downloaded files you will have a Folder with each Episode seperated. If the Episodes are seperated and just in a folder then devide the AVI files up and span them over 2 to 4 DVD disc depending what bitrate you want them at. AVI2DVD will work or you can use nero Vision Express if that was included in your nero package.
Thanks larrylje. After reading your reply, it suddenly 'dawned' on me that there was no reason for concern - lol. The file is in avi format, and when expanded shows 13 seperately named episodes. So I guess that is what will show in the folder after downloading. So I will be able to encode each episode individually. Problem solved. Thanks again.