I would like to know if it's possible to split a 9GB, dual layer PC Game into, two DVD-5 ISO's, and then to merge the two back to create the original dual layer image?
MagicISO, PowerISO and Daemon Tools Advanced/Pro Edition can all do that for you. As for merging tho, I don't think many Image software support that apart from PowerISO and even then they only a few formats can actually be successfully recompiled. My question is why split it if your just going to merge it again?
the reason i want to split , then merge, is because - well basically, i cant afford dual layer discs. Therefore, the cheaper, more economical option is: to split the image into two -DVD-5 ISO's. Eventually - once theyve reaced theyre destination - the two DVD-5's can be re-constructed to form the original image.
Oh so your sending them off to someone? Try the programs I mentioned, tell me how it goes.. Btw, DL+R discs have become pretty affordable if u look around on the Net and if your willing to order online you can get 20 discs for around 10 bucks these days. See here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817130961