I am trying to take large video files and break them down into small clips. they are football games and i want to break them into 1 file per play for future editing and making a highlight real. I have found a few programs that allow me to save segments as a new file but its one at a time. and there are a lot of plays in each game. i am currently editing mpeg files. if anyone nows of a quick and easy and preferably free program that will allow me to set marks and create individual clip i would be eternally grateful. thanks. NIU - VT is praying for you.
I know this is an 'end run' to your question, but you could author the file to DVD with chapter marks at each play and then break it up chapter by chapter in DVD Shrink reauthor mode.
i tried the DVTool but it does not allow you to view the file while setting the marks. i have been using the DVD Shrink trick but it just takes for ever. any other ideas?