is there a way to split a 900MB so that it can fit in two CDs? and can i make chapters out of the movie?
The program also depends on the container. I mean container as in: For instance splitting an avi requires a different app than splitting an mp4 and mp4 can handle chapters where avi can't.
If it's avi and u have a DVD burner use AVI2DVD found here it will convert avi to DVD format and insert chapters at (user selected) intervals. Hope this helps. M
Euum, You can try something called "Easy Video Spliiter" it's very good and you can adjust all the settings. Or when ripping a CD/DVD the software will usually give you the splitting option (e.g. 2X800MB CD's etc.)
Xch4ng3, The way I read his first post is, he has a 900mb vid (probably avi) and it won't fit on a CD (700mb) thats why he want to split it (my guess). If he has a DVD burner, he should convert and burn to DVD. That way it will play on all DVD players. M
You're assuming the goal is to make it play on all DVD players. I don't see anything in the original post that would indicate this. If the goal is to playback on a PC or a DVD player with MPEG-4 support it would be much better to just split it into multiple files because this can be done with no quality loss. No matter how good your MPEG-2 encoder is you'll always lose quality inthe conversion process.
If he gets something called "Xillisoft DVD Burner" it will burn anything, including AVI-MPEG4-MPEG2 to DVD format.
I agree, why is everyone assuming that they want to convert to DVD video? This is the DivX / XviD forum, not the MPEG2/DVD forum.
The next person to mention that it would be better to convert to DVD is going to get a vacation from the forums. If you don't have an answer for the question that was asked don't answer one that wasn't. It's a little hard to get help with your problem when you have to figure out which people are trying to help and which ones just think you should do things their way.
im sorry. didn't want this thread to end up like this. anyways about the xilisoft dvd burner. what is the exact name for the software?
I wouldn't recommend anything by Xillisot/Imtoo. I would imagine that they meant though. Converting to DVD is out of the scope of this forum anyway, if you want to discuss that try the MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD) forum.