I just recently, like 2 days ago to be exact, started backing up my DVDs. I have done it 3 times and everyhting has gone well. But, my problem is i only have disks that are 120 mins long(4.2 gb i think)... so i havnt been able to backup movies that are longer than 2 hours. Is there a way to split up longer movies to where i can put them on 2, 120 min disks instead of spending a fortune on 8.5 gb disks? thanks
What backup software are you using? It should compress it to fit on a DVD5 disc. If it is quailty your worried about then try editing out stuff like Audio Streams/Subpictures/Extra's etc etc.
i think i am using dvd5... i forget what programs i use.. im not at home. like dvd shrink... decrypter and fabdecrypter maybe... i forget
I would just use dvd5 or shrink to compress the movie to one dvd...if you don't want to do this and don't care about the menu, you can use dvdshrink to reauthor the dvd to two discs a start end feature....try this http://www.dvdshrink.info/splitting-v2-3.php
Appl3 Shrink will backup a three hour movie it just has to compress the movie further to fit a 5 GB disc. If you have Nero Suite 6 or 7 Recode will do same thing as Shrink. Clone DVD also. Think of the disc in terms of GBs or MB, rather than 120 minutes. The larger the amount of bytes on the disc the more compressed the quality of the picture becomes to fit on the 5GB disc. A 6GB disc will be less compressed than an 8GB one. and a 4.6GB or less disc won't be compressed at all(an exact copy).
waaait, so...even though it says the dvd holds 120 mins ... i car shrink it and have up to 3 hours... its a 4.7 gb dvd-r ... ?
Correct! Just remember the longer the movie and larger the info on disc the more compressed the burned DVD will be. I just usually back up the movie itself and get compression usually above 80%. A good quality. ANY movie of the 9GB length (DL DVD)can be shrunk to fit on a 5GB disc. Hence the program's name, SHRINK.