splitting one AVI file to maybe 2 or 3 files? teach me

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by m_jakey, Nov 30, 2005.

  1. m_jakey

    m_jakey Member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    i dont know if this sure be under this category but anyway can you guys help me. i have one AVI file (a full length movie) around 750mb i guess and i want to split this into maybe 2 files (maybe at 375mb) each or 3 files. can someone help me how to do this and what program to use? the easy to use programs please if possible.. thanks
  2. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    Open the avi
    Find the beginning of the part you want to cut OFF, click the mark in button.
    Go to the end of the part you want cut OUT, click the mark out button.
    Click Video, Direct Stream Copy.
    Click File, Save AVI. give it a unique name.
    Repeat for the other parts as needed.
  3. m_jakey

    m_jakey Member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    thanks a lot
  4. m_jakey

    m_jakey Member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    if i cut off one part and save it again as avi as you said will the video or audio somehow deteriorate or will be remain the same as the original?
  5. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    It doesn't modify, as lons as you set Video__Direct Stream Copy in VirtualDub(Mod).

    Just be careful: you have to choose a good splitting point. That is, the movie must start from a key frame (CD1.avi always does, its first frame being frame = 0; for CD2.avi you must take care).
    So, the movie must become (suppose it is long L frames):

    CD1: 0.......... f-1
    CD2: f ......... L

    so you split it 'at the frame' so CD1 + CD2 = movie. Using VirtualDub(Mod), just select Video___Select Range.

    This method has two features, you must take care of:

    1) f must be a 'key frame', i.e. a frame which has be encoded with all its informations, not with the difference from a specific Key frame you saved before. Tis is the way movie's compression is done.
    VirtualDubMod shows a key frame putting [k] after its data, and you can move from ke frames just pressing SHIFT+arrow.

    2) The AVI compression is VBR. This mean that if you have a 1500 MB movie 2h long and create 2 pieced 1h long, you could have CD1 = 500 MB and CD2 = 1000 MB, you don't have any certainty. If you want to split exaclty at 50% an AVI already done, you have to goo by tests (with VirtualDub, you can do a plit with File___Select Range in few minutes, provided that both vido and audio are put on Direct Stream Copy, so you can do it in few time.

    I suggest to do this way, when one wants to create a 2*CD-R AVI file from a DVD:

    1) create your movie.
    2) load it with VirtualDubMod. You can see, with the track bar, the number of the frames and its tim (let's suppose you have 156,000 frames and 104' 4").
    3) select the good splitting frame f (so that CD2,avi, which ranges f ---> L, starts with a key frae). Write down the length of the two pieces (L = l1 + l2).
    4) Select Vido___Compression select your codec and press [configure]. Now set a codec (average) bitrate so that the biggest piece of the twos fits on a CD-R (700 MB). The other piece, provided that l1 and l2 are similar lengths, will have size a little smalller that 700 MB. Please note that also in this case the compresion will be VBR, but with a fixed average bitrate (so that any 'piece' fit in a CD-R).
    5) save the two AVIs (multipass encoding)...
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2005
  6. caucano

    caucano Regular member

    Jul 28, 2004
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    hey aldaco12,

    what if virtualdubmod does not open up the avi file first because the audio is aac and the video's 4cc is vmv3. the exact error is:

    "couldn't locate decompressor for format "VMV3"(unknown).
    VirtualDub requires a Video for Windows(VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such as those by Windows Media Player, are not suitable. Only 'Direct stream copy' is available for this video"

    any other good program to split avi that supports aac audio? I have the latest version of ffdshow installed so it seems like virtualdubmod does not use this for decoding.
  7. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Don't know. What about Demuxing the audio with VirtualDubMod (Stream____Stream List__Demux), convert that audio into WAV with a good sound encoder and replacing it in the old file (Stream____Stream List Disable the old onr, Add the new one).
    Video___Direct Stream Copy and save (F7). In few minutes you'll have an AVI with uncompresssed WAV.
    If the WAV is too big compress it into MP3 CBR with HeadAC3he (just a little caution to make a CBR MP3, not the default ABR one).
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2005
  8. caucano

    caucano Regular member

    Jul 28, 2004
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    when i extract the AAC audio using vitualdubmod i get a [bold]compressed[/bold] wav file since its only 23Mb for a 23 min video. I was able to extract the audio using another program and will try to mux it in with the avi.

    thanks for you help
  9. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    The problem of VirtualDubMod is that, if you do 'Save WAV' , it extracts a 'true WAV' only if Windows can decompress it. Otherwise, make [bold]Demux [/bold].
    After that find a good audio encoding application which is able to uncompress it. Then replace it in the original movie, or mux it to the output 'mute movie' (during authoring, whan you make a DVD, or multiplexing, if you make a (S)VCD).
    I never used it, but you might try: http://www.topvideopro.com/mp3wav/aac-converter.htm .
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2005
  10. caucano

    caucano Regular member

    Jul 28, 2004
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    i see what you meant. I tried demuxing the audio and it still does not play. My overall goal was to edit an avi file (split it) to get rid of some parts i dont want then enconde to mpeg2 for dvd burning. I discovered (recently) that this in not necesary. I can encode the whole file then cut out the parts i dont want in the authorizing software...so i'll give that a try. I dont know if it will be faster/better to do it that way.

    Thanks again
  11. guinnyss

    guinnyss Guest

    OMG i did 3 movies that i cut that took 5+ hours with Windowmoviemaker 2 and VirtualDubMod takes 30seconds to cut it. Damn i love this program.

    EDIT: my audio is off when split with VirtualDubMod.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2007
  12. canny2007

    canny2007 Member

    Jan 29, 2007
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