I have just ordered a sagem d-box from germany.I emailed the guy and he said i would have to put image file for uk on myself as it is not set up for uk?Is this the same file i need...if so could you please email it to me....i haven't much idea on this subject yet but willing to learn. Thanx..... helmut1@hotmail.co.uk
Does the box you ordered have 1 or 2 flash chips - as with each image it comes as a 1x or 2x and sticking a 2x on a 1x box will kill it. most sagems are 1x but some are 2x, confirm which one it is and I will send you the correct image file
Hi Zapp I have emailed the supplier and all he could tell me is that some are 1x and some 2x...so i will have to wait till it arrives.Should be this week sometime so i'll let you know. Thanx again mate...PUDIE
Hi..Box has arrived and there are 2 chips in it(AM29DL 323DB -90EI 0036MBM U (c)1999 AMD)..I presume these are the flash chips. So is this enough info for you Zapp?.Thanx...yours ignorantly PUDIE