I got a friend, and he has some spyware on his computer, and he came to me looking for help but i am stunned on this one, I helped him get rid of <b> SpySheriff </b> but he also has something call <b> SpywareStrike </b> and <b> WinHound </b> and I can't find a way to get rid of it...... ESPECIALLY SpywareStrike, if anyone knows any links that oculd help us or could give us step-by-step insturctions to the solve the problem, i would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Here's where you learn how to get SpySheriff off your Pc ! http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/for...Sheriff_Winstallexe_Spysheriffexe-t22402.html
SpyWare Strike i never seen -- so I dont know ! Winhound is an awful one but you can go here and get rid of it with smithRem --- :- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic37384.html Sorry but I have to go, my hubby and daughters are screaming for their supper !
Ooooooops.. just finished talking to my hubby -- he says go here for SpywareStrike :- http://www.2-spyware.com/remove-spywarestrike.html?gclid=COmp5Pyvt4ICFSBSGgod1QT0Cg
OMG thank you, I still have yet to help this guy out with removing it, but I couldn't find ANYTHING, thank you so much. right now I have him using Spybot S&D, Adaware SE, SpyBlaster, and I informed him of the links you gave me, thank you
There is a guide on removing SpywareStrike here: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic40303.html
thanks, but I mean, he got Windows Anti-Spyware, and that should rid of it, shouldn't it? Ic don't get how he got all this, the worst I got was Spysherrif, which fixes in seconds, but yea, I think he is at the point were he is oging to reformat
Absolutely doesnt have to format. I followed the guide i posted earlier as I was infected with spywarestrike and it worked fine.
Ok, but I mean he doesn't know as much as comps about me, he like has questions about hyow to do EVERYTHING, and i tried to connect using RA and it wouldn't work cuz his dad wont turn off the firewall
Hello Guys, I was busy for the last 2 hours removing SpyeareStrike and WinHound. Jus t followed the link from (/Skalek). http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic40303.html Cannot get any easier.