Building a cheap gaming PC. So far I got these paired. gpu = gtx650 super-clock cpu = g530 ssd 64gb There is other items such as a 700watt psu etc. I got a 5400rpm sata hard-drive spare in the house and was wondering should I drop the £40.00 SSD drive and upgrade from g530 cpu to a i3-2120 cpu. Would 5400 rpm drive effect my pc heavy ? I need a reply quick as I plan to buy today. Shocking that the g530 is able work with a 560ti and the gtx650 is weaker so It should be good.,3216.html Its easier as well to buy a ssd at at later date then it would be to buy a better cpu.
CPU first, SSD later; that i3 is quite a bit superior to the Celeron. As and when you get an SSD, you'll probably want to move the OS to that drive so you can migrate your game installs after you do so.
Thanks very much all I have placed my order and swapped out the ssd and the g530 for the Intel Core i3 2120. My parts I have chosen are the following. Intel Core i3 2120 Gigabyte GA-H61N-USB3 Socket 1155 - Mini-ITX Motherboard Bitfenix Prodigy White Case - Mini-ITX Case and its sexy. Corsair 2GB DDR3 1333MHz Memory Module Unbuffered Xenta 700W 12cm Fan PSU - 1x PCI-E 2x SATA GTX 650 SuperClocked It will have a sata dvd drive at a later date, for now Ill be using a usb to install my old copy of windows 7(just got to video how to convert it to usb). It will use my 5400rpm drive untill I can replace it with a ssd. Nothing fancy but it will do what I want to do.
Videos on you-tube shows it to be an amazing case and it is very sexy like a Mac, a nice small case with lots of potential. Surprising fits a lot of gpu's thanks to its design, also the gtx650 is a pretty small card so it will fit nice. Hope this PC will be ideal for me. I'm a between a console and PC when comes to gaming, 30 fps is fine for me.