Hi, I'm pretty new to the DVD scene but I'm not oblivious to most things computer related. This is one issue that has me pulling my hair out though! I use a NEC DVD-RW ND-2510A to burn my back ups (or try to) and my media is Samsung Pleomax DVD+R 8x. After ripping different copies of my DVDs then attempting to burn them using Nero 6 (which I know I'm doing right after following guides) none of the DVDs want to play in my Toshiba SD-420E DVD player, at first I thought ok fair enough compatibility issue but I've put them in my PS2 and they won't work in that either. Does anybody have an idea as to why this might be? I'm thinking the media I'm using but I dunno!? Appreciate your help guys!
Helllo, We need some more info to help you. First, we need to know what your media id is. If you have DVD Decrypter (free program) put the disc in and see what the manufact id says. Also, what speed are you burning at? It should be half of what the disc is rated at (IE 8x disc, burn at 4x) or LOWER. Also, what movie is it? Some movies are harder than others. Another thing, Nero can be finnicky, you might want to try using DVDFAb Decrpyter (to rip), VOBlanker (to process), and Shrink with DVD Decrypter (to shrink and burn). These are all free programs and break any kind of encryption. Let us know and good luck! Check my sig for all the above mentioned programs.
Don't know about the +R but I'm pretty sure IIRC that the -R Samsung Plexomax are by optodisc (3rd rate). As for the playstation 2 its even more fickle about what media it plays compared to nearly all modern standalone dvd players, especially where DVD+R are concerned. I'd suggest making sure you burners firmware is uptodate, as well as Nero 6, and try some Taiyo Yuden
Hi, First off thanks for your replies. Right I used some of the apps you listed, some I'm familiar with and some I'm not. I decrypted the DVD using VobBlanker, the DVD in question is from a .IMG file which I had mouted via Daemon tools. [bold]NOT[/bold] being ripped straight from a DVD drive now. I removed all protection as far as I can see as DVD decrypter says no RCE and copyright protection. I used DVD shrink to then burn via DVD decrypter using the pleomax media (Disc ID: OPTODISC-OR8-00). All said it was successful but still won't play in my DVD player. I've inserted burn report incase this helps... I 18:03:00 DVD Decrypter Version started! I 18:03:00 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) W 18:03:00 Drive L:\ (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB I 18:03:00 Initialising SPTI... I 18:03:00 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 18:03:00 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 1 DVD±RW! I 18:03:00 Operation Started! I 18:03:00 Source File: C:\DESKTOP.ISO I 18:03:00 Source File Sectors: 2,257,565 (MODE1/2048) I 18:03:00 Source File Size: 4,623,493,120 bytes I 18:03:00 Source File Implementation Identifier: DVD Shrink I 18:03:00 Destination Device: [0:0:0] _NEC DVD_RW ND-2510A 2.15 (D (ATA) I 18:03:00 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: OPTODISC-OR8-00) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x) I 18:03:00 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104 I 18:03:00 Write Mode: DVD I 18:03:00 Write Type: SAO I 18:03:00 Write Speed: MAX I 18:03:00 Link Size: Auto I 18:03:00 Test Mode: No I 18:03:00 BURN-Proof: Enabled I 18:03:01 Filling Buffer... I 18:03:02 Writing LeadIn... I 18:03:15 Writing Image... I 18:16:48 Synchronising Cache... I 18:16:49 Closing Track... I 18:17:06 Finalising Disc... I 18:17:21 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:14:20 I 18:17:21 Average Write Rate: 5,553 KB/s (4.0x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,742 KB/s (4.1x) P.S. I have tried burning at lower 2x speed as well and still no joy! Cheers
Ok, so I'm assuming that when the file was mounted you could watch it, right? So we should know that you have a good file. Have you gotten any movies to copy, or have they all failed? Also, will the copy play in your PC?
Yeah when mounted it played fine, once burned again played fine from disc in the PC only. I've tried this with three movie titles, all of which work on my PC but not my stand alone DVD... They are Wedding Crashers, Team America and The Hills Have Eyes. I have made SVCDs and VCDs before and my DVD player is fine playing them, it just doesn't like playing copied DVDs with original menus!!!
Okay, the only thing I can think of is to try new media. You'd be surprised at how much a difference it can make. Grab some Sony or Verb from Best Buy or something, just to see if it gets you going. Get a small pack, they're not too expensive. Let us know.
Right took me a while to reply been busy, but I've concluded that the Samsung Pleomax won't play on my Toshiba DVD player. This is because I've since played a copied DVD someone let me borrow and it played fine on the player. I also know that my DVD copies were working ones because I've put the Pleomax discs I burned into two different DVD players one being a Song DVD player would you believe it and it worked fine. So I'll be investing in a different type of media to clean up my compatibility issues. Cheers,
Good to hear. If you like to buy on-line, I would suggest Tayo Yuden (spelling?). You can get them at SupermediaStore.com or several others that I can't remember right now. I've been using them for some time now and haven't had a problem. If not, then you might want to try Sony or Verbatim. You can usually find them on sale for about $15 (US) for a fifty pack at Best Buy. That's a pretty good price. Also, it wouldn't hurt to look up what DVD's are compatible with your player. You should be able to find it in the owner's manual or on their web-site. Good luck.