I have two XviD avi files, both of which have seem to have different volume levels - one a main feature and one an extra to the main feature. The extra seems to be quite a bit louder than the feature. How can I standardise the volume across them both? Could that same process be applied to any others, to bring them into line with those two, should I choose to add them? Can I do this without increasing the file size? Ideally, I'd like to. I'd appreciate some links to any software / guides you might suggest. Thanks.
To equalize separate files, I had to join them, demux the audio, then after equalizing, save the file as an MP3, then mux it with the video. Joined AVI files with AVIDemux, then loaded the file into VirtualDubMod and saved the WAV file. Used Audacity to equalize the audio and exported it as (CBR) MP3, then used VirtualDubMod to mux the new MP3 to the video. The joining did not involve recompression and the final muxing was done with an already compressed MP3. VirtualDubMod can append AVI, but has sync problems with VBR audio (it might even refuse to append the second file). The final mux, in VirtualDubMod, uses direct copy for the video and since the new audio is compressed, it is not reprocessed. The joined file can be split and saved by VirtualDubMod without further processing - so no quality loss. In the one case the combined file size went from 699MB to 694MB. AviDemux http://www.videohelp.com/tools/AviDemux Audacity http://superb-east.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/audacity/audacity-win-1.2.6.exe VirtualDubMod http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=65889 XVid Codec http://www.xvid.org/ Free DivX codec http://www.divx.com/divx/windows/download/ Lame MP3 codec http://users.tpg.com.au/mtam/install_lame.htm