Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by hmp007, Jul 24, 2006.

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  1. hmp007

    hmp007 Guest

    does anyone know how to standby on halo 2???
  2. ViPRancid

    ViPRancid Member

    Jul 25, 2006
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    Oh standby it's so dumb.

    Ok, here's the problem with standby, since they did the update a while ago it kinda really sucks. In the old days of halo2 standby was a hilariously awsome tool for kicking the crap out of your friends and there was primary standby AND secondary. Unfortunetly now only primary works and this is how to do it...
    First make sure you have host! Do this by getting a friend to bridge you host or if you dont have any friends just hold the back button while going into a game, the host of the game will have his/her icon nect to their name on the score card show first. everyone else will have X's untill they connect. If you fail to do this hold down on the d-pad and talk if you are host your little icon above your head will shine blue instead of white. Obviously you will need to ask someone else in the game to check for you.
    Once you have successfully gotten host of a game you can standby, and like i said it really isn't all that good or usefull anymore. pretty much the easiest way I have found to do it is to simply remove the cable connecting your router and modem. this will lag everyone but you! be careful to only have ur cable unplugged for around 5seconds tho. If you have it unplugged for any longer you may lagg out of the game. If you do not have host when you plug your cable back in you will teleport somewhere close to where you where b4 and u'll probly be dead because you'll have really just been running in a streight line and just standby'd yourself, so make sure you have host!

    Dont do standby by using this method more than a few times a game, you will get booted from game otherwise.
    Use only to get a leg up, not a whole game thing.
    If this doesn't work, I'm sorry but thats how I did it.
    Have fun.
  3. hmp007

    hmp007 Guest

    ok kool thanks
  4. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    What are you stupid......Cheating isn't condoned here. let another cheater out into the wild.......
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2006
  5. nckspec

    nckspec Regular member

    Jun 24, 2006
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    Ok thats not how you do it. I will tell you guys. Ok first have your ethernet cable from your xbox plugged into your computer and share connection now sign on to live. Ok now make your self connection host like the other guy said and then go on your computer make sure you have zone alarm and commview. Now go to commview when your connection host and find the person by the order of ip addresses in coommview. So if you want to boot the second person in the party then it will be the second ip. now type his ip into zone alarm for blocked ip's now it will lag him out of the game.
  6. nckspec

    nckspec Regular member

    Jun 24, 2006
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    One other thing make sure it is not in matchmaking. That would be gay only do it in custom parties.
  7. ViPRancid

    ViPRancid Member

    Jul 25, 2006
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    Yeah, well thats the way to do it through bridging, and i'm sorry, i diddn't mean for him to be using it in matchmaking, it wont help much if at all. unless you have a bridger it's really hard to get everything you need to do and even so it's not THAT useful. it just pisses everyone in the game off and chances are the person standbying is just going to lagg out n e ways.
    my apologies anyway.
  8. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Let me ask you something. YOu say don't use it in matchmaking.....but yet look at your sig.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2006
  9. ViPRancid

    ViPRancid Member

    Jul 25, 2006
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    I dont get your point?
    Are you trying to down me because i know how to mod? or how to bridge? I dont get it. Yes i mod maps, on my regular xbox, that is modded with xecuter3 chip and has all the bells and whistles. i play live on my 360, and as far as i know so far you can't mod on that... well u can, but not well. i mod maps for fun, it's way too annoying to go through all the hastle to get your lvl up in halo2 by modding, plus you just look like a dooche. I have friends that bridge, and we mostly do that for custom games so i can show them jump tactics using grenade jumps and stuff like that. personally i dont know how to bridge and i really dont care how to. i mean i get the jist of it. but i just dont need to know how to do it that bad. so to be honest... i dont get your comment....

    also yeah i USED to standby, but that was wayyyy back when it actually worked b4 all the updates and stuff and when it was hilarious to do. I also used to do the dummy glitch, witch in my opinion was the (and dont get me wrong cheating is bad) funniest damn way to cheat in halo2. i played custom games soo rigged that it was hilarious.

    anywho i'm rambling, but you get my point.
  10. nckspec

    nckspec Regular member

    Jun 24, 2006
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    you must be living in the past you could bridge so easily now. but i have the credibility of not doing it on matchmaking
  11. FuZ3

    FuZ3 Regular member

    May 18, 2006
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    No it's just that doesn't like cheaters. It's against the rules to talk about cheating here.
  12. nckspec

    nckspec Regular member

    Jun 24, 2006
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    Wow but modding is totally ok seeing how people use it to level up.
  13. FuZ3

    FuZ3 Regular member

    May 18, 2006
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    People do use it to cheat but talking about it here isn't allowed.
  14. nckspec

    nckspec Regular member

    Jun 24, 2006
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    Yeah because you mod here is some news I mod to better mods then you will ever have.
  15. FuZ3

    FuZ3 Regular member

    May 18, 2006
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    I don't understand what you just said.
  16. nckspec

    nckspec Regular member

    Jun 24, 2006
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    I was talking about vip whatever his name is.
  17. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    It seems you and FuZ3 were on two completely different pages, lol.

    Cheating on live is not something to be discussed here, there are some people who only use it for LAN, or private games, but most the people who use it are the ones who unfortunately ruin the experience for everyone else. That's why it isn't discussed here.

    Honestly, it takes some skill to do the online mods, but that doesn't make you a l33t uber specialist. And neither does taking apart your xbox, repartitioning a new drive, reformatting it to FatX, and locking it to your own xbox. It's a different kind of skill. Unfortunately, because the vast majority of users with the online modding skillset (particularly on halo 2) choose to use this to stomp on others with an unfair advantage, this topic is not discussed on this site. It's nothing personal, and it doesn't say anything about your skill, it's just not a topic to be discussed here.

    It's in the forum rules, not to discuss bridging, standby, or other xbox live cheating.

    As for nckspec:

    Considering that your grammar is so lacking, and your replies are so unfocused and untargeted; I'm going to venture a guess and say that you either don't know HOW to mod, or you have a mod setup that someone else either did or explained in depth for you. Yes, people are cheating on 360, but it doesn't make them any smarter. You obviously have a hard time discerning when people discuss hardware and offline mods, which only indicates further that you don't understand how and why the mod does what it does. Maybe if your future responses are a bit more intelligible(It's not an insult, if you think it is, look it up) then you can offer some interesting insight that shows otherwise. But for now, you seem to have jumped in without much coherent thought.

    FuZ3 has some very good thoughts, shame you two were on completely different wavelengths there.

    Oh, and lastly, *no one* has the 'best' mods, or can even say that they have 'better mods than you will ever have', to say such is ignorant. The modding community (Both allowed here and not) is always changing, and newer, better ways to mod are always being discovered.

    I'm hoping to hear a better explanation of what you were talking about exactly, because Fuz3 couldn't seem to get it, and neither could I; but if you've got something to say, I'd like to hear it, in a format structure that makes sense.
  18. FuZ3

    FuZ3 Regular member

    May 18, 2006
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  19. ViPRancid

    ViPRancid Member

    Jul 25, 2006
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    Nicely said handsom.

    Modding online games to win takes no skill whatsoever. There are so many people doing it and it just sickens me. Most people who should be around a level 40+ are stuck around the 32-35 stage because of modders and bridgers. It makes me mad. On another note though, modding is one heck of a complex thing to do when you do it for fun. Reskinning whole maps, creating new a fun spawn points, hilarious weapon configurations and weird character models, are awsome fun to do. Thats what I do. I love playing against my friends on my box and having them run around as grunts and me as the arbiter. That takes a little more skill then downloading PPf's and patching so you can win a few games. Plus thats BORING!
    The modding community is not just to do with halo. Yes it's a fun game to mod, but it's not like thats all modding is for. I love playing metriod or super mario on my xbox. It's a blast. But when it's time to go online I use my 360. I dunno if I really have a point to this ramble, all I have to say is Yes people cheat and Yes it does suck. Oh and also yes shame on me for teaching this guy the old fashioned way to standby. (I really dont even know if that way works n e more...?) But people will cheat, they always have and always will. And it's a shame because it ruins fun awsome games like halo2 when used for unfair advantages.
    Thats all i have to say.
    Oh and to the "I have way better mods then you ever will" You dont have better mods... You just have different mods. Probly for other perposes then mine, you may have just downloaded the ppf's for the mods and think they rule, I like to start from scratch and make my own, it's way more challenging and more fun. If yours are "better" then way to go, give yourself a pat on the back, I really dont care :p
  20. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Well, VIP

    In the long run, you seem to share a similar opinion on modding versus online modding. I love messing with my xbox, my psp, and my ps2. I *love* it. Why? Because there's always something new to do with them. Ironically, I had not learned quite how many online mods there were until coming to this site, and seeing people get banned over and over for it.

    It's good that people can enjoy both ends of modding, and still have a good understanding of what's FAIR for other players. It's nice to see that. I've got a lot of new Halo 1/2 maps myself, which I use for LAN parties.

    And yeah, both sides need a lot of skill (Except for those infernal PPF punks, they learn how to do one thing, and ruin everyone's fun), I just hope that the ones who use these online-capable, more software oriented mods to the games themselves get a more respected name, and can weed out the ones who give them a bad name.
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