tomarrow at the kfma radio station they are having the larget battle reanactment in there parking lot whats your town doing?
I live in LA, and for the past few months the news has been reporting on the star wars freaks that have been camping out on hollywood blvd waiting for midnight tonight. some have been there for almost three months. and I thought I had too much time on my hands.....
yeah thats what i've heard from others who have seen it, although I myself will wait a week or two, just because I don't want to have to wait in line for hours to get in, and have to sit in a packed theatre full of star wars fans having lightsaber battles.
better as that is what george wanted but computer graphics wasn't upto par at that time when he brought out star wars
I understand his wanting to go back and change the originals because he wasn't able to create the effects he wanted back in the 70s, but I just think its so wrong. If you don't have the required materials to make a film the way you want, then don't. If you do make it, then accept the way it is and live with it. Imagine if every filmaker started going back and changing their movies just because better technology was invented. I think its pretty lame.
while i've never been a huge star wars fan, i thought episode 3 was decent due to the special effects and such...decent flick for less than $10 matinee price , but definitely not worth waiting hours in line for~
what do you mean not worth waiting in line. This one was great. I think its was a close second next to Empire. Although the book was way better (it had more detail in it, but all books are like that). It is pretty crazy how a book than came from a screenplay better than the movie from the screenplay. Weird!!!!!!!! I have two complaints about the movie: 1: Wooden Acting- There could of been a lot more emotion from the characters. Especially Natalie Portman, she forgot how to act in this movie 2: Not enough character & story development- I thought Lucas would have learned from the Lord of the Rings movies that strong character development makes the story that much stronger. This movie moved very fast with out taking time out on the characters like Greivous & Bail Organa. Also, there were a lot of one-liners that were in the book that totally should of been in the movie. it would made the movie very strong. I blame Lucas for this because he has this fixation on having movies no longer than 2 hours and 20 minutes (this one came in at 2 hours and 26 min.) There were even scenes that were in the video game that didnt make the movie! Im not asking to make the movie 3 hours 30 minutes like Return of the King, but at least add an extra 20-30 minutes too it! All in all though, the movie was great fun and even very sad. Being a huge star wars fan, it hurt me seeing the jedi genocide. it almost put a tear to my eye.