starsky & hutch help...plz

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Xman2004, Jul 25, 2004.

  1. Xman2004

    Xman2004 Regular member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    I just backed up a copy of Starsky & Hutch. I have a HP dvd writer. The file turned out to be 6GB big! DVD's can only hold 4.7 GB. I have Verbatim, Memorex, Maxell. They're all 4.7. How can I fit a 6 gig file onto a 4.7 dvd-r. If I compress or zip the file, it won;t go onto a DVD will it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Plz. I need this for tomorrow.
  2. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    Just curious, what did you rip with? You could have ripped/encoded with a free program, DVD Shrink, which would have shrunk your DVD so it would fit on one DVD-R (or DVD+R) disc. If you don't have DVD Shrink, you should download it. Since the files are (presumably) sitting on your hard drive, tell it to "open files" instead of "open disc." (BTW there's a whole guide that tells you how to use Shrink ... see the Guides tab up at the top of this page.) What program will you be burning with?
  3. Xman2004

    Xman2004 Regular member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    hey karen...I was using DVD Decryptor. Does DVD Shrink do what the name says. Does it actually shrink the file so that it fits onto a 4.7 DVD-R disc. And without cutting out any parts of the movie out. Thnks in advance.
  4. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    Yes, Shrink does exactly what it says it does. After it rips/encodes, it can automatically burn with either DVD Decrypter (if you rip in .iso mode) or Nero (if you rip in file mode -- or maybe Nero can read .iso files too, I don't use it so I'm not sure). Shrink is a great program. If your compression is high -- i.e., if Shrink gives you a compression percentage of, say, 70%, which means your DVD will be 30% compressed -- I'd advise having Shrink do a deep analysis so your final quality will be better. But in a pinch, you can skip that step and Shrink will finish the whole thing (the encoding process) in <15 minutes (on my computer, anyway). Then another 15 minutes or so to burn.

    After downloading Shrink, choose "open files" and browse to where your Starsky & Hutch files are on your hard drive. Shrink will do a quick analysis (a minute or two), then tell you its level of compression. You can choose to delete some audio options (e.g., for languages you don't need) and that will make the compression level better. Then click "back up" and you'll see a bunch of options. I don't know what you're going to burn with so I can't help you there, but the Guide should be able to.

    BTW you might want to set a "custom" backup amount in Shrink just to be sure you're not going to burn too close to the edge -- its default is 4,464mb I think and I changed it to 4,300.

    Good luck & keep us posted! :)
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Karen H.--Dell Optiplex GX240, P4 1.50ghz, 256mb RAM (yeah, I need more), Windows XP Pro w/SP1, 40gb c: drive, 125gb f: drive (it's really 250gb but my computer only sees 125gb!), Sony DDU1621/C1 DVD-ROM to rip/encode, Sony DRX-530UL to burn[/small]
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2004
  5. Xman2004

    Xman2004 Regular member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    i read the dvd shrink guide, and it helped, but I have another problem. You see I have 2 drives on my comp, but only one of them is a dvd burner, and that's the one that reads the dvd movies. When my movie editing is complete, I go to backup. But I have to take out the dvd to put in a blank one. I don't think it will work. I tried it and nothing happens. Plz some help....
  6. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    I'm confused by your message ... you wrote, "When my movie editing is complete, I go to backup." What, exactly, do you mean by "movie editing"? You're not doing any editing, are you? You're just having Shrink compress the files that are on your hard drive. And what do you mean when you say "I go to backup"? Do you mean that you click the back-up key on Shrink? When you do that, Shrink will start its analysis/encoding process if you have it set to do a deep analysis, otherwise it will go right into encoding.

    It's very hard to help when I still don't know what you're burning with. This matters because it will determine what Shrink will do AND it will tell you what kind of file(s) you want Shrink to create (a video_ts folder full of files OR one large .iso file). From what I understand, if you have Shrink set up to automatically burn with Nero or DVD Decrypter, it will start those programs as soon as it finishes the back-up process, but that will take awhile -- normally 10-20 minutes with a short DVD, an hour or more with a long one.

    I don't know what burning programs you have on your computer (other than Decrypter). I have Shrink set up NOT to burn with anything else but just to rip/encode. It finishes, it gives me a "your back-up was successful" screen that tells me where it put the files, and I burn those files with RecordNow whenever I want (I don't have to do it right away). You can also burn files (a video_ts folder full of files with extensions like .vob, .ifo, .bup) with Nero. You can't burn a video_ts folder with Decrypter as Decrypter only burns .iso images.

    You also wrote, "But I have to take out the dvd to put in a blank one." You originally said you ripped the DVD, which means you should have FILES on your computer, which means you will choose "open files" in Shrink. Now you're talking about the original DVD. So are you now saying you DON'T have the files on your computer? If this is the case, you need to have Shrink rip the files to your hard drive, a step it sounded like you had already done.

    When you post, please be DETAILED (e.g., "I have Shrink set up this way, I click on blah blah blah, it does this, I use blah blah blah to burn and here are the steps I've taken"), otherwise it's very hard to understand the steps you're taking.

    In the meantime:

    - If you have the files on your hard drive, i.e. if you've already put them there with Decrypter (which your first messages implied you did because you said you'd "ripped it" with Decrypter): then have Shrink "open files." If you had Decrypter rip the DVD to an .iso file, tell Shrink to "open disc image." If you have the original DVD, tell Shrink to "open disc." Whichever of these three things you have Shrink do, its next step will be to go through its quick analysis, which only takes a minute or two, then it will give you a screen that tells you how much compression is needed to fit the original DVD onto one DVD-R or DVD+R disc. You can choose to unclick some options, e.g. audio or subtitles in a language you don't need; whatever you unclick should make the compression percentage a little higher (which means a lower level of compression). Then, when you're satisfied with everything, you click "back-up" and tell Shrink where you want it to put the compressed files (if you're having it create a video_ts folder full of files) OR the compressed .iso image (if you're having it create that).

    - BURNING: if you only have Decrypter to burn with, Decrypter only burns .iso files, it won't burn a video_ts folder full of files (as I wrote above). So you have to have Shrink rip/encode in .iso mode -- that it, it needs to create an .iso image. I can't give you detailed instructions on how to do that because I'm in the middle of using Shrink and can't check (I use this procedure very rarely so don't have the steps memorized). But the Guide should tell you. In any case, once Shrink finishes ripping/encoding, it will open Decrypter automatically IF YOU HAVE SHRINK SET UP TO DO THIS. It's at that point that you would put in the blank DVD-R (or DVD+R) disc.

    - If you have Nero to burn with: again, you can set up Shrink to start Nero automatically when it finishes ripping/encoding. Nero can burn a video_ts folder full of files, so you can have Shrink create the folder (this is the way I normally do it, then I burn later with RecordNow). Again, when Shrink finishes ripping/encoding, it will open Nero automatically IF YOU HAVE SHRINK SET UP TO DO THIS.

    As you can see, there are lots of variables in terms of the mode you rip in (one large .iso file or a video_ts folder full of files) AND in terms of how you burn and with what program. I don't have enough info from you to know which variables you chose, so please be as specific as possible in future posts, OK?
  7. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    P.S. OK, my back-up finished so I was able to check Shrink ...

    (1) If you have the original DVD: put it in your DVD burner, open Shrink, make sure "full disc" is chosen up at the top. Click on "open disc" & Shrink will go through its quick analysis, 1-2 minutes. It will then tell you the level of compression. Once you've removed unneeded subtitles or whatever & you're satisfied with the level of compression, click "back-up." If you will be burning with Decrypter, select "ISO disc image" under "Target Device." Under "select target image file," Shrink will tell you where it will put the .iso file -- normally it will be the movie's name as the file name with .iso as the extension, put on your main hard drive. If you want it somewhere else, browse to tell it where. On this same screen, there's a box that says "Launch DVD Decrypter to burn the output image." If you want Shrink to do this, click the box. Now click the "Backup Options" tab. If there's a high level of compression (a low percentage, say 60-70% or lower), you might want to click the box "Perform deep analysis before backup to improve quality" -- this will increase the time it takes but will also improve the back-up quality. It's a trade-off so just decide. Then click OK and Shrink will begin the encoding process (OR, if you've asked it to do a deep analysis first, it will go through the whole DVD and do the deep analysis and THEN it will start the encoding).

    (2) If you did indeed already rip the files to your hard drive: open Shrink, click on "open files" if you have a video_ts folder full of files OR go to file/open disc image if you have an .iso file. Otherwise the process is the same.

    (3) In both cases, when Shrink finishes it should launch Decrypter automatically if you've checked that box. I assume at that point it will also have you remove the original DVD (if you ripped from the disc) and put in a blank DVD-R or DVD+R disc.

    Hope this helps -- let us know how it goes!
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Karen H.--Dell Optiplex GX240, P4 1.50ghz, 256mb RAM (yeah, I need more), Windows XP Pro w/SP1, 40gb c: drive, 125gb f: drive (it's really 250gb but my computer only sees 125gb!), Sony DDU1621/C1 DVD-ROM to rip/encode, Sony DRX-530UL to burn[/small]
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2004
  8. Xman2004

    Xman2004 Regular member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    ok this is how it is....

    1. I selected Open Disc
    2. I took out all of the unnecessary files
    3. With full disc pressed down, i selected backup
    4. When in backup, I selected burn iso image file with DVD Decryptor
    5. The destination for the temporary files I selected was in a folder I made up.
    6. I selected OK.
    7. It is now encoding, but slowly.

    After finished encoding, what will happen? Will it automatically launch Decryptor, and ask to switch my original backup for a blank DVD-R disc?
    Is it supposed to take a long time? When I burn my image file with Alcohol 120% or Decryptor, it doesn't take that long. Should it be taking so long, even though the file is smaller? Forget taking longer than normal..It's only 3%, and I started around 20 minutes ago. It's really annoying. I have to give the movie to somebody tomorrow. Basically it's going 1% every 10 mins. I really need this to work out

    Thnks in advance.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2004
  9. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    Sorry, I was off my computer for several hours (for a change) so I don't know what's happened since your last post. Did it finish encoding? Yes, it sounded extremely slow from what you wrote, but I don't have your system specs so I can't tell if the slowness is because you have a relatively slow computer or if there's some other problem. BTW most people here recommend that you don't use your computer for anything else while it's ripping/encoding and especially while it's burning. Sometimes I use mine while Shrink is encoding but it does slow the process down quite a bit. I NEVER use my computer for anything else while it's burning.

    As far as I know, Shrink will automatically open Decrypter or Nero if you have it set up to burn with one of them. As I wrote, I DON'T have it set up this way as I burn with RecordNow (which came with my Sony burner). So my procedure is, Shrink finishes, I get the "your back-up is done" screen (or whatever it says), and I burn later simply by adding the video_ts and (empty) audio_ts folders to RecordNow. Your procedure will be different because you're burning with something else.

    Any update?
  10. Xman2004

    Xman2004 Regular member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    ok i've got another problem. I fell asleep during the encoding. It said that burning did not complete successfully, but that's not what I wanted it to do. I just wanted it to encode. And it said that encoding was done successfully. So that's ok. Now what I have is a bunch of video_ts folders with bits of the movie. I got IFO files, VOB files, BUP files. Decryptor or Alcohol 120% doesn't read these. The whole movie has been bunched out and seperated. Thats not what I wanted. I wanted the entire movie to be one big file. This is so confusing now. Now I need a software that can burn all of bunched out files onto one DVD. Plz help
  11. Veblin

    Veblin Active member

    Feb 27, 2003
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    Nero can burn your VIDEO_TS folder.

    Download the new DVD Shrink 3.2.

    The backup options are much clearer. When you select Backup! be sure to check the Target Device tab and see that Select backup target is set to the type of files and burning option you want.
  12. Xman2004

    Xman2004 Regular member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    ok...i encoded everything ok. I use Nero. Everything is fine. I can select the files, but the "burn image" button is not letting me press it. I inserted 2 different blank DVD-R's, but it still won't let me burn on the final step. I know my drive works, because I just flashed it with new firmware, and ikt works. And also when I do a normal burn with DVD Decrytor, it works fine. But Decryptor doesn't do video_ts folder, or if it does, I don't know how. Plz help with this. Thnks
  13. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    Xman2004, you wrote in your 27 July 09:32 post, "ok i've got another problem. ... Now what I have is a bunch of video_ts folders with bits of the movie. I got IFO files, VOB files, BUP files. Decryptor or Alcohol 120% doesn't read these. The whole movie has been bunched out and seperated. Thats not what I wanted. I wanted the entire movie to be one big file." Aaaggh, this is why I asked you several times what you were burning with, AND why I said several times that Decrypter only burns .iso images so if you were going to burn with Decrypter, you had to have Shrink make an .iso file. As I wrote in my 26 July 16:07 post, quote, "If you will be burning with Decrypter, select 'ISO disc image' under 'Target Device.'" Since you ended up with a video_ts folder full of files, you didn't select ISO disc image, and then you couldn't burn with Decrypter. Frustrating, yes.

    As Veblin pointed out, you CAN burn a video_ts folder full of files with Nero (or with RecordNow if you have that). Follow the guide that he led you to.

    You're right that this stuff is confusing at first, but you DO need to follow instructions too. :) Sorry if I wasn't clear somehow.
  14. Xman2004

    Xman2004 Regular member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    thnks karen & veblin...veblin i followed ur link-the nero burning rom guide. i got it step by step...thnks a lot...i now know how to burn a video_ts folder thnks 2 u guys...thnks 4 all the operation was a success!

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