How can I get rid of the unnessary icons that are on the bottom of my computer.Someone told me if I diable the wrong thing that my computer wont start. I've tried System configuration but what is important and what is not?
Right click on your task bar. Select properties and left click on that. Un Tick where it says, “Show Quick Launch.” Click OK or apply. After you do that, post back here and tell us if that is what you wanted to accomplish.
Hey i think he means Programs that start up, eg on the left side near the clock. If you click Start -> Run -> msconfig then click on the Startup tab, u can take all the ticks out, and your computer will start up, just not all the programs, eg your antivrius etc. CJC
I use a program called [bold]End It All[/bold] it can be used to shut down start up and backround programs.It comes in handy when backing up movies and you don't want any programs running.
cjc you are right. But someone told me to be careful in doing so. I might disable something I need. Is this true?
ALATONY So what you are asking is for the Icons in your task bar, on the [bold]RIGHT side[/bold] of the task bar, next to the clock? Is this correct? If it is, what exactly are the programs that you want to disable at startup so that one can give you a reasonable answer as to their affect once they are not present/installed/running in the background, etc. List them if you will...
Hey Yeah, i meant right, i was typing the post just when i was leaving for work lol Basically the only thing you really need to keep is Antivirus/Firewalls.... Might be best as Scuba Bud said, just list all the programs you see there CJC
winatools, winupdt, wupdt, whsurvey, wcmdmgrl, s3drowser, usbpnp, sgtray, rxmon, remind_xp, recgaurd, propelac, nwiz, nvcpl, msnappau, eebens, mmtask, wkufind, sethook, ltmsg, msvcmm32, kbd, jwhmf, inetmgr, igfxtray, hpsysdrv, mufiyuy, hphubdo5, hphmono5, hpztsbo8, hpwuschd, hpcmd, cmesys, ccapp, hpqcom, blink2cc, autotkit, hpdrowser, tpjhcc, alcxmntr, admin"_"hide", rundll32, msnmsgr, mnyexpr, engutil, srchupdt, shwincon2k, precisiontime, microsoftoffice, elsblaunch, event reminder, gstartup, afotoreg, autotbar
you've got spyware & viruses on your system- precisiontime,winatools, winupdt, wupdt, whsurvey. download ad-aware se from this link to get rid of spyware do an onlinescan with free housecall to get rid of any viruses. download & run ccleaner from to clean the crap of windows.
Hey As ddp said, Download, Install, Update and Run: Adware SE Personal, Spybot Search and Destory, run Housecall (Online Virus Scan) at and then download HiJackThis, and paste your log here. CJC