Starting out

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by bigben11, Jan 23, 2005.

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  1. bigben11

    bigben11 Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Hey, guys. I have DVD Decrypter and I need a step by step guide to burning x-box games on a DVD-R. First of all, I need to know what mod chip will let me connect to my pc because I have a halo 2 map hex. Also, of course I want to play my backed up games. And, something that is easy to install and that has an emulator. Now, a question about the emulator. How does it work. Can I put in an X-Box game and make it a rom and save it to my X-Box with the regular HD? If not, how do I do it. Also, Some screenshots of everything would be a great help and I dont have to much money so find me something cheap. THANKS!

  2. bigben11

    bigben11 Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Come on guys I need some help!
  3. Bohefus

    Bohefus Regular member

    Nov 20, 2004
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    Go here and do some reading.
    There's no real big trick to the burning part.If you have an xbox game iso you can use pretty much any dvd burning software and burn as an image.If you have the game files you'll have to create an iso image and then burn.If your going to be copying original game disc's, you need to modify your xbox,flash the modchip with a hacked bios and install a dashboard.Of course you also need a modified xbox to play copied games.
    all mod chips are designed to enable you to bypass the MS bios with a hacked one and allow you to run unsigned code so that you can install programs,play copied games and install alternative dashboards which allows FTP access.
    Many people will claim that installing a mod chip is easy and that they did it in record time.The fact of the matter is, you can make your xbox a big paper weight pretty quickly if you don't know what your doing.Usually it takes alot of reading before you understand what you need to do.If you understand it all and you have the correct tools and programs,it does go very quickly.Emulators are programs you install on your xbox HDD which mimmick old console's.You then get roms(games that the emulator plays).
    No you can't
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2005
  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    multipost closed as this has been asked in at least a couple other threads
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