hi my starveiw box went down on the 5th oct entered new codes from other thread and could only get free channels tried full re install,still no joy .its the 2.57 version, boot version 7.0,16th aug 2006.i'm on n/l in the swansea area any help would be great
Hi thanks for that ive put the new codes in already but i just get scrambled or bad channel displayed on screen
As williemcf said, turn on EMU. To do this, press MENU, then 1570, go down to the last entry, "Key EMU", and turn it ON. Then press exit 3 times to get out of the menu and back to tv. Select a scrambled channel to check, and all should be OK. If that fails, enter the codes for the other providers too. One last thing, when you enter the codes, are you doing STORE after you enter each one?
hi just checked key emu is on and codes for ntl,c+w,tw and chorus have been stored after each 00 and 01 code is put in.
The next step sounds a bit silly, but it has worked before. Turn off the starview, leave it off for a minute or two, and turn it back on.
just switched off at the mains for a coule of minutes and same as before getting the free channels (ie bbc) and none of the pay channels.
switched box off at mains for around 2 hours still not working ,done a factory reset and installed all channels again ,put new codes posted on the 8th of oct ,turned key emu on and everything is back working a big thank you to williemcf amd eamo32 your help was much appreciated.
Sorry I was off for so long, something came up. Anyway, it appears the codes changed again today. Look at this thread for the latest; http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/531363 You should update your firmware with the 2.57 FIXED, available from the eko link at the end of my post, in the Starview -> Firmware directory, this will autoroll the keys when they change, and is safe on clones.
You will need a null modem that should have come in the box when you bought it. Download the gtrom software, it's also on the eko site in the starview -> software directory. Do you have a pc or a laptop, and does it have a 9-pin male plug on it. If I am over-simplyfying things, let me know. Connect your starview to your computer using the null modem lead. Put the starview into standby. Start the gtrom program, click on the bin file button, then browse to where you downloaded the firmware, and select it. Click on download button, and you should see a progress bar heading towards 100%, takes about 2-3 minutes. When it's done, you will get another window that says download complete. Wait another 30 seconds or so after that, then disconnect the starview, and hook it back up to the cable and tv, and you should be good to go. If you go to the stariew -> documenatation folder on the eko site, there are guides there for updating firmware and setting up the box; SV Update Guide.doc and STARVIEW_HELP_GUIDE.doc both of these should get you through this, but come back if you have more questions.
sorry for the delay in responding,the box did'nt come with a null modem cable so i,ll get one and do as you described,once again thanks very much for your help.
No problem. Here's a link, purely for reference, http://www.maplin.co.uk/module.aspx?ModuleNo=97740&doy=8m10 you may get one cheaper from fleabay, or your local electronics / computer store. Just make sure they give you a null modem cable, as some of the shop assistants are giving out RS-232 cables as being the same thing, which, believe me, they are not.