Starview 1 - "Starview" - Infrared broken???? help ?

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by myksterx, Aug 2, 2009.

  1. myksterx

    myksterx Regular member

    Nov 25, 2006
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    Hey guys first off keep up the good work! :D

    My thread today is about my mums starview 1 (the oldest i think lol)

    The remote stopped working so we ordered a new one, but then it started to work with the new and old remote...

    After a few days the new and old remote stopped working so we ordered another (they where crappy copies tbh, abit flimbsy)

    That didnt work at all, we tried all 3 remotes at a friends house who has a starview 1, and they all worked.

    So ive come to the conclusion that the Infrered Receiver has give up on her... does anyone know how much it would cost to get a replacement infrered receiver ?

    She said that she wouldnt mind upgrading to a new box, such as the dual tuner PVR box's that are available, although i said it may not be worth it due to the N3 change over.... (UK, Liverpool)

    What do you guys think? Replace the box because its ancient or try to get the Infrered Receiver fixed at a lower cost ...

    cheers guys!keep up the good work :D
  2. dub12dave

    dub12dave Regular member

    Apr 18, 2008
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    myksterx check out the 'sell your stuff' section on this site there are a couple of CHEAP boxes for sale there and as they are looking for euros it will work out even cheaper for you paying in sterling, BTW the sellers of these items are good blokes and you wont have any problems with shipping etc.
  3. cactikid

    cactikid Active member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    many people keep away from pvrs because of problems and lack of updates.
    just to say the nagra change over is irl only not uk as they will be going a different route we think.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2009

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