Hi I recently purchased a starview 2 (not a clone), so am a total newbie. But I have installed the latest firmware for Ireland but the automatic scan keeps saying 0 channels found. As the automatic scan is progressing it keeps responding with failed to the left of the scan, before eventually saying 0 channels found. It is ntl Ireland and I think it is mmds as there is an aerial of some sort on the roof. Emu is on. Any ideas? Is it that starview will not work with mmds?
Swords, the cable in the estate is chorus, but I ordered ntl at the time so that's why they put an aerial on the roof.
Are you sure you have the latest version of firmware. Press menu and system info this will tell you and where have you plugged in the coax connection is it in the RF in or Ant in socket?
I have the right firmware (V.4) I tried one from the sellers website and one from your link and bottom of post (thanks) but I still have the same problem. I think you are on to something with your second question I have it plugged into the cable input. Should it be in the Ant in instead?
Hi Scouser Sorry for butting in lol If its SV 2 ( THE B0X ) it will need to be flash with 4.51 and the coax cable goes into "Cable Input"
sorry for butting in foaks but will a eurovox work in sowards they have a sagem reciever at the moment ?
Sounds like Ch**** MMDS and only a DVB-T type device will work. Eurovox at the moment is only for DVB-C, (cable).
It works, I will not even tell you what I was doing wrong.... too embarrassing! Thanks for all your help sc0user and Celtic71
Ok, first excuse is that I have a labyrinth of cables and plugs behind my tv. In fact I had maxed out so I had to pull one plug to find a socket for the starview plug. So I thought I will not need the ntl digital box so plugged it out. Now…mmds set up has a little downcoverter that takes the aerial in and the tv coax out. Now and here’s the thing…..this downcoverter has the same power source as the ntl box. So basically I was putting a dead coax cable into the starview. Hence "0 programmes found". See embarrassing!
Not embarrassing at all, simple mistake. Dead downconvertor = no channels Thanks for letting us know.